Saturday 7 May 2016


  Unprotected Sex can be one of the biggest mistakes of one's life. We've heard lots of stories about unwanted pregnancies from teens and even adults too, and the reasons most times was because the condom burst or maybe they were under the influence of alcohol and all other reasons were taken away.
   Studies have consistently shown that large numbers of Nigerian women experience unwanted or what they term mistimed pregnancies and births. According to a survey of women in southwestern region of Nigeria, at least 29% of women had ever been pregnant when they did not want to be. And these unwanted pregnancies poses significant public health risks.
  But unknown to some who resort to bizarre methods like drinking mixture of salt and water to prevent pregnancy after unprotected Sex, there is a remarkably easy way to work out if you are in danger of becoming pregnant after an unplanned sexual encounter.
  The Egg is released 14 days before the next period is due and lives for about 48 hours. Sperm can live up to five days, so with a normal 28 days menstrual cycle the danger time will be from day 9 to 16 of the cycle. (For certainty you can add a day to either side).
  The most common brand of Morning After Pill in Nigeria is the POSTINOR, and it can be purchased from any Pharmacy. It is very important and advisable to take the pill sooner, because the sooner it's taken there is a high chance of preventing pregnancy. But as long as it is taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex then it is very effective.
  POSTINOR contains a hormone called levonorgestrel and it works by
* Preventing a egg from being fertilized
* Stopping Eggs from being released from the ovaries
* Preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the womb
   However you should know that POSTINOR does not prevent the HIV Virus or other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), and it won't work if you are already pregnant because it won't have any effect on the foetus,  Also after taking the POSTINOR Pill a few women approximately 1 out of 100 will be sick and feeling nauseous, if you vomit within 3 hours of taking the Pill you need to take another Pill, hence it won't be effective.
   If you are worried about the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy, it is better to act now rather than wait till later, because,  if you take POSTINOR it is 99% sure that you avoid pregnancy.

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