Saturday 1 October 2016


   Nigerians are vulnerable to some diseases. No matter how careful we are, even with great hygiene habits we can’t always escape the increasing number of illness lurking in our daily lives in Nigeria. The common diseases in Nigeria are malaria, cold, hypertension, diarrhea and cholera, pelvic Inflammatory disease and HIV/AIDS. These diseases have claimed many lives in the past. They are highlighted in this article along with how to prevent yourself from infected.

   Malaria is the ultimate killer of all times with millions of deaths in its portfolio. It is a major health problem mostly in Africa where thirty countries in Sub-Saharan Africa account for 90% of global malaria deaths.
We are all exposed to mosquito bites in Nigeria, so Nigeria is a malaria endemic environment. It is estimated that up to 100 million cases of malaria resulting in over 300,000 deaths in Nigeria ever year. People even attribute any form of illness to malaria even if it is not. This disease is caused by plasmodium species whose vector is the anopheles mosquito, and it's usually transmitted by mosquito bites. Symptoms usually arise two weeks after been bitten. Symptoms generally start off as a general feeling of un-wellness (malaise) which progresses into fever and headache, with symptoms including high temperature, bitter taste, loss of appetite, fatigue and body pain. Symptoms can get worse if not treated well, which in severe cases can lead to coma or death. Malaria in pregnant women results in miscarriages, still births, etc. Mosquitoes are always found in swamps, stagnant dirty water and gutters around the house. Malaria can be prevented by eradicating mosquitoes or preventing bites.

Preventive Measures:
- Keep a clean environment by washing drainages, sewages and gutters.
- Grasses around the houses should be cut.
- Clear swamps around your house.
- Spray your house and rooms with a good insecticide twice weekly.
- Window nets are helpful in preventing mosquitoes bites.
- Mosquitoes are attracted by sweat, so night bath is necessary to
prevent bites.
- Sleep under a treated mosquito net.
- See a physician once you notice symptoms of headache, fever, joints
pain, and fatigue.

   Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure which later leads to
the paralysis of one or both sides of the body, known as stroke. Hypertension affects men, women, old and young. Hypertension occurs when the blood pressures in the arteries are increased and this requires the heart to work harder than normal for the circulation of blood through the vessels. The heart contracts (systolic) and the cardiovascular muscle relaxes (diastolic). A person is said to have high blood pressure or hypertension when the pressure is 140/90mmHg and above. It is a major risk factor for stroke, heart failure and chronic kidney disease. It is common among those who just lost a loved one or those experiencing emotional trauma, people with stressful life situations, job loss or failure in career.

Preventive Measures :
- Maintain normal body weight for adults and watching of body weight.
- We should always check our blood pressure (BP) in hospitals or pharmacy .
- Engage in regular exercise.
- Avoid stressful activities.
- Reduce  salt intake,
- Reduce alcohol intake.
- Adequate sleep and rest,
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

   Common cold is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, which affects the nose causing sneezing, cough, sore throat, watery eyes,  headache, voice loss and runny nose. it is also known as acute coryza or nasopharyngitis. It is caused by exposure to cold, dust, eating with dirty hands or eating contaminated foods. It is usually self-resolving after about seven to ten days.

Preventive Measures:
- Washing of the hands.
- Covering of the nose when sneezing and turning away from people when they sneeze.
- Avoiding dusty areas or covering the nose with masks in dusty areas.
- Reducing contact with anyone with symptoms of cold.
- Not exposing the body parts, especially, the chest in cold weather.

   Diarrhoea and cholera are very common water and food- borne disease that are carried by house flies that came in contact with infested stools and vomits. They are communicable and can claims lives within few days if care is not taken. It is the second most common cause of deaths in children less than 1-year-old worldwide. According to the UNESCO statistics, diarrhea death rate in Nigeria is 18.8% and it accounts for about 150,000 deaths among children under 5 years. Diarrhoea symptoms include loose, watery and frequent stools abdominal cramps and sometimes vomiting. Diarrhoea is not as serious cholera. Cholera symptoms are passing out watery or blood stained stools, vomiting, loss of body weight, fatigue, dehydration and somach ache.

Preventive Measures:
- Washing of hands before eating and after using the toilet.
- Avoid consumption of uncovered foods such as fruits.
- Cook food properly.
- Drink clean water.
- Washing and cleaning of toilet and covering of pit latrines.
- Avoid eating foods sold by food vendors.
- Government should provide drinking water and good sanitation body.

   Pelvic Inflammatory disease is caused by fungal, bacteria or parasites. It is usually spread through sexual intercourse, post abortal sepsis and intrauterine device insertion.  It is the inflammation of the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries. If left untreated it could lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Preventive Measures:
- Periodic pelvic examination and STI's testing.
- Abstinence from sex.
- Good personal hygiene.
- Use of condoms or diaphragm during sexual intercourse.
- Avoid vaginal douching.
- Treat partners to prevent reinfection or spread to other people.

   Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) advances to Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It is an infectious disease sexually transmitted disease that lead to a progressive decline and failure of the human immune system and is accompanied by many diseases and infections.
Symptoms include high temperature, fever, weight loss,  body blisters, cough, diarrhoea, fatigue, difficulty in breathing etc. HIV is usually transmitted through contact with an infected person blood or mucous by unprotected sexual activities and sharing sharp objects like razors, needles, hair clippers,  injections, circumcisions and piercing equipments.

Preventive Measures:
- Proper use of condom during sexual intercourse.
- Sharp objects should not be shared.
- Used injections, circumcisions blades, piercing equipments should be disposed off.
- Proper circumcision of male children.
- Rape victims should check in for medical attention and test do know their HIV status.

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