Sunday 22 May 2016


   Every woman deserves access to the right information necessary for living a healthy, comfortable and infection free life.
   Menstruation is a time when the risk of infections and sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) are heightened,  because the cervix opens to pass out blood and bacteria can also passes through the opening to the uterus.
   Based on cultural beliefs and practices, like the stigma that the menstrual cycle renders a woman unclean, most women go through their periods very secretly and do not bother if their practices are hygienic or
  This article helps ensure that women are fully informed about the basics of menstrual hygiene,  and about the right way to stay healthy and avoid infection during menstruation.

    Bathe at least twice a day to keep the body clean and avoid odor. Good personal hygiene includes appropriate cleansing during menstruation.During menstruation, blood tends to enter tiny spaces like the skin between your labia or crust around the opening of the vagina and you should always wash this excess blood away. it is important to wash your vagina and labia (the projecting part of female genitals) well before you change into a new pad to beat bad odour from the vaginal region.
  Bathing not only cleanses your body but also gives you a chance to clean your private parts well. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps, backaches, helps improve your mood and makes you feel less bloated.
  Wash your hands before and after going to the bathroom, changing your menstrual protection or cleaning your vagina.

   Because your vagina is more sensitive than other parts of your body, it requires a different kind of wash. Always wash your vagina externally, just use your hands and warm water and never use normal soap, douches or shampoo on your intimate area, which can upset your natural flora and acidity.
  Gently wash from front to back, that is from the vaginal to the anus.
Washing in the opposite direction can cause bacteria from the anus to lodge in the vagina and urethral opening, leading to infections such as urinary tract infections and yeast infections. Never wash in the oppositen direction!! Wet the buttocks and external anal area last to avoid bacterial contamination of the vagina or urethra.
   Gently pat yourself dry with a clean towel and check that the entire area is dry before getting dressed. Covered wet skin can enhance the growth of bacteria and other organisms.

   The pH of blood is higher than healthy vaginal pH, so it is not advisable to leave menstrual pads or tampons for long. Prolonged exposure to damp
sanitary pads can also irritate your skin and risk infection. Continual use of the same sanitary pad or tampon increases your risk of infection and toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a condition that requires immediate treatment and can lead to serious complications and even death. The standard time to change a sanitary pad is once every six hours, while that for a tampon is once every two hours. Apply a new tampon or sanitary napkin and clean

   Avoid tight underwears or fabrics like spandex that don't breathe. Wearing clothes close to your vagina can cause increased moisture and heat and also irritate your skin. Wear cotton underwear, cotton is breathable and also loose fitting clothing to stay fresh and dry .

  Washing the vaginal with soap can kill the good bacteria making way for infections. The vagina has its own cleaning mechanism that works in a very fine balance of good and bad bacteria. You can use soap externally but not inside the vaginal or vulva. Just use water.

   When you have your periods it is important to be ready. It is important to have extra sanitary pads or tampons properly stored in a clean pouch or paper bag, some paper tissues or towels, hand sanitizer, a healthy snack.
   You need extra pads because changing your pads and tampons is very important. Paper towels are important to wipe off the excess water after you wash your private parts. It is best not to use toilet paper as it tends to shred and tear when it touches water. Your hand sanitizer is a very
important factor here. You will need it to clean your hands and you can use it to clean the flush knob and tap faucet as well. The snack is a backup in case you feel weak or run down during the day.

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