Sunday 29 May 2016


   If you have been experiencing low libido (Low Sex drive ) lately, then your diet may be to blame. Certain foods or nutrients do play a role in boosting libido and supporting a healthy sex life.

   Eggs are high in protein, which can boost energy and focus. The protein in egg is a source of stamina and they're also low in calories. Eggs are also good source of vitamin B6 and B5, which helps balance your hormone levels and regulate libido. They also balance hormone levels and fight stress.

   Chocolate is a great aphrodisiac, and it contains magnesium which can make you feel very relaxed. Dark chocolate contains a compound which  boost serotonin and endorphin levels called phenylethylamine,

   Watermelon is 92 percent water, while the remaining 8 percent of fruit is jam-packed with vital nutrients for sexual health. It contains a phytonutrient called citrulline, which leads to an increase in the amount of nitric oxide in your body. When nitric oxide levels are high, blood vessels relax and circulation speeds up, meaning you’ll get aroused in less time. A research conducted shows that watermelons has ingredients that delivered Viagra-like effects to the human body's blood vessels which aid in increasing libido.

   Celery work wonnders for sex life. It contains the hormone androsterone, which is released through male perspiration when eaten and attracts women.

   Ginger is renowned for its medicinal purpose, and it can also be a libido enhancer .

   Walnuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which keep sex hormone production at its peak.

   The vitamin E in avocados helps your body produce hormones like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, which circulate in your bloodstream and stimulate your sexual response.

   The omega-3 in fatty fish are great for improving circulation in the body, which is essential for boosting blood flow to the genitals. They can also raise dopamine (feel-good) levels in the brain.

  Strawberries are rich in antioxidants that benefit the heart and arteries. Good circulation is crucial for sexual functioning in both men and women. Strawberries are also rich in vitamin C, which has been linked to higher sperm counts in men.

10. OATS
   Oats contain L-arginine, which has been used to treat erectile dysfunction and can boost testosterone, which helps your sex drive. It is also packed tons of vitamin C, which can increase libido . It also helps boost blood flow.


   Low libido can describe as a decreased interest in sexual activity (Lack of sex drive). About 4 out of 10 men over age 45 have low libido. Although it is very common to lose interest in sex from time to time because, libido levels vary through life and your interest might not match your partners at times. But, it may become a cause for concern if your libido has been low for a long period of time.
   No one thing causes low libido and it’s important to talk to your doctor if you're worried your sex drive has dropped. But here are some possible reasons why your libido has been MIA lately.

  The body reacts to stress by releasing adrenaline and cortisol and this can disrupt your hormone levels. If you’re distracted by situations or under high pressure, your libido may decrease. Stress can also distract you and take your mind off sexual desire thereby, reducing your libido. The arteries
can also narrow and restrict blood flow in times of stress, which can also cause erectile dysfunction.

    Depression changes all parts of a person’s life. It can result to complete lack of interest in activities they once found pleasurable and enjoyable,including sex. Tt's also harder to feel sexual when you're depressed, because depression can change the body's biochemistry and therefore
reduce libido. Also Some medications commonly used to treat depression may  lower libido as a side effect especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

   Uneasiness due to the effects of a chronic health condition, such as chronic pain makes sex low on your list of priorities, thereby resulting to low sex drive. Certain serious illness such as cancer or kidney disease, renal disease, HIV, and diabetes can reduce sperm production counts since the body is focusing on gettingthrough the day and goes into survival mode.
So it doesn’t pay much attention to non-survival functions like sperm and  testosterone production,

   Some medications used to treat depression, high blood pressure , and other common illnesses can lower testosterone levels, which in turn may lead to low libido and cause sexual dysfunction. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing these effects of low testosterone, they may advise you to switch medications.

  You need sleep to keep a sharp mind, a healthy body, and an active libido.
Lack of sleep can elevate cortisol levels, which also leads to low libido.
  A study found that men with low testosterone levels have lower sleep efficiency and also men with sleep apnea have lower testosterone levels which might result to decreased libido and sexual activity.

  Decreasing testosterone is a normal part of aging. Testosterone levels, which are linked to libido, are at their highest when men are in their late teens and as they age erections may not be as hard, and it may take longer for them to become erect. When your levels fall below 300 to 350 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) you are considered to have a low testosterone. When testosterone levels decrease, then the desire for sex also decreases. However, medications are available that can help treat these issues.

  Restless leg syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by jumpy,
creepy-crawly sensations as you’re falling asleep, it is the uncontrollable urge to move your legs. One recent study found that men with restless leg syndrome  are at higher risk for erectile dysfunction than those without it, probably due to low dopamine levels. Also, men who had restless leg syndrome episodes more frequently were even more likely to  become impotent.

   Someone who feels unattractive is less likely to want to engage in sex, It's hard to feel sexy when your self confidence is down or when you have an unhealthy body image.

   Drugs can decrease your sex drive and suppresses the pituitary gland, which regulates the production of testosterone. and too much alcohol can impair your nervous system and lead to fatigue leading to difficulty in being aroused.

   Testosterone is an important male hormone. In men, it’s mostly produced in the testicles. Libido is directly influenced by testosterone levels. Therefore, low libido is often caused by low testosterone levels a hormone imbalance. Low testosterone can be caused by injury , inflammation, or tumors in the testicles.


   Foodborne illness, more commonly referred to as food poisoning, is an illness caused by eating contaminated, toxic or spoiled food and fluids or water that has been contaminated. Although it is quite uncomfortable, but food poisoning isn’t unusual. Food poisoning can affect a person or a group of people who ate the same food, it is more common after eating at picnics  social functions, or restaurants.
  Most Nigerians do not know what food poisoning is, and they go through the symptoms without knowledge of what is really the problem. This article will highlight the causes and symptoms of food poisoning.

   Contamination of food can ocour at any point during food production: from growing to, harvesting, processing, storing, shipping or preparing. Organisms can also be transfered through cross-contamination and this occurs often. In the case of raw, ready too eat foods, such as salads, food poisoning can easily occur because,  these foods are not cooked and the harmful organisms are not  destroyed before eating and can cause food poisoning.
  Bacterias, viruses and parasites or their toxins are the most common causes of food poisoning.

1. Bacteria
  Bacteria is by far the most common cause of food poisoning. The culprit bacterias are E. coli, botulinum ( botulism ) , listeria, salmonella Campylobacter and C. They can lurk into our food through:

- Beef contaminated with feces during slaughter.
- Raw or contaminated meat, poultry, milk or egg yolk.
- Unpasteurized milk and cheese and other dairy products or food containing mayonnaise.
- Contaminated water that has not been treated.
- Canned food with low acidity and improperly canned foods and smoked or salted fish.
- Unwashed raw produce.
- Foods kept at warm temperatures for too long.
- Foods prepared using cooking utensils, cutting boards, and other tools that are not cleaned properly.
-  Meats, prepared salads  and cream filled pastries.
-  Hand contact, coughing and sneezing.
-  Undercooked or inadequate cooking

   Food poisoning caused by parasites is not as common as food poisoning caused by bacteria, but parasites spread through food are still very dangerous, because parasites can live in the digestive tract undetected for years. It poses a bigger threat to pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems. The most common case of food poisoning through parasites is Toxoplasma which is found in cat litter. They can get into food by:
- Not keeping food hot enough or food is chilled too slowly or not reheated to the right temperature.
- Raw fruits or vegetables that have not been washed well.
- Meats, stews and gravies.

   Food poisoning can also be caused by a virus. Food poisoning causing virues includes the Norovirus, also known as the Norwalk virus which can be fatal,
Sapovirus, Astrovirus, Rotavirus, and the Hepatitis A virus. They can get into the food through:
- Shellfish from contaminated water.
- Raw oysters or seafood products.
- Through an infected food handler.
- Raw, ready to eat produce.
- Toxins in spoiled or tainted fish
- Undercooked meats or eggs.

- Poultry
- Meats
- Eggs
- Unpasteurized milk or other fluids
- Cheese
- Dairy products
- Unwashed raw fruits and vegetables
- Nuts
- Spices
   Typical symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms from the most common types of food poisoning will often start within 2 - 6 hours of eating the food. They include:
- Abdominal cramps
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea (may be bloody)
- Mild fever and chills
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Weakness (maybe serious)
- Headaches
   The symptoms may be longer or shorter, depending on the cause of the food poisoning and the source of infection.
   Symptoms of potentially life threatening food poisoning include:
- Diarrhea persisting for more than three days
- Fever higher than 101.5°F
- Difficulty seeing or speaking
- Severe dehydration, which may include dry mouth and difficulty keeping fluids down
   If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a doctor immediately.

  Teatment of food poisoning depends on the cause but, It is very important to contact a doctor if you think you have food poisoning, you might recieve antibiotic or antiparasite treatments once the cause is identified.
   Home remedies to soothe food poisoning symptoms may help speed recovery and include:
- Rest,
- Rehydration,
- Avoid alcohol , nicotine, fatty, and spicy food.
- Slowly begin to eat bland foods like rice and bananas.

   I hope you find the information on this article helpful, if so leave a comment.

Saturday 28 May 2016


   Snails are very amazing, they can be found in any country of the world,  You've probably seen these harmless little creatures in your backyard. Snails are often in green surroundings and they enjoy eating both fresh and decaying leaves.
   Snails are enjoyed in numerous countries, the French calls it ' Escargot ' and they constitute a major ingredient in French cuisine.
   Nigerians are not left out when it comes to this unique delicacy. My mother do tell me stories when she along with her friends will go ' Congo Meat ' ( as it is commonly called in Nigeria ) hunting at night many years ago usually from 12am to 3am and how she ate made money from sales of some of the snails. Many children and young ones still go snail hunting in their respective villages today, She described those days as fun and that snail was also the main source of protein to most people then, because chicken and eggs were not within the reach of people,
  Although many countries and people from different cultures enjoy eating snails because they are tasty and juicy, but they rarely know the other amazing benefits of snail.

   Health Benefits Of Snail

- Snail serum is both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The serum is also an excellent source of oligosaccharides which serves as an hydrator for the skin, and works perfectly for getting rid of acne and it enhances the natural glow of the skin by protecting skin cells.

- Snail secretions contain a copper compound which is thought to be the only natural sources of a substance usually manufactured to assist in making creams which help minimize scarring, an injury or scalding and also helps in preventing heart disorders. The snail secretion is also extremely rich in collagen and elastin, which is beneficial for the treatment of skin diseases and broken bones.

- Snails are a great source of lectin, which possesses anti-cancer properties and helps in boosting the immune system and fighting against
cancerous cells.

- Snails are rich source of vitamins E, A, K and incredibly packed with vitamin B12 ‘ also called energy vitamin’, which is needed for making red blood cells, releasing energy from the food we eat and processing folic acid.

- Snails are a rich source of iron, essential for building red blood cells and carrying energy around the body.

- Protein is a major component of snail after water, and its essential for building and repairing muscle, and is also better at filling you up than carbs and fat.

- Snail is a good source of magnesium, which is needed to maintain a normal blood pressure, strengthen bones and also keep the heartbeat regular.

- Snails also supplys essential fatty acids like Omega 3 which is good for the heart.

- For the weight watchers, snail is perfect in their diets because, they do provide a low calorie source of proteins and healthy fat.

- Snail also contain a glycoprotein which is believed to contain cancer fighting properties.

- Snails also contains calcium and selenium which we need to keep a healthy immune system and to protect cells against damage.

  In conclusion, snails may help reduce nutritional deficiency in Nigeria, and unlike red meat they are cheaper and easier to get because they can be found in the neighborhood. You can fry or boil them and put them in soups.
   For the entrepreneurs in Nigeria, snail farming is actually very cheaper and much more easier to set up than fish or chicken farming, and you can begin to yield profit in no time.
  Do you find this article helpful or would you  or have you tried snails? Tell us in the Comment box.


    Weight loss is a battle between losing the weight and also maintaining the loss.
   Many people trying to loss weight by adopting a new diet often give up few weeks or even few days after. Also some people will loss weight and then regain it in repeating cycles. Although the motives for lossing weight varies from person to person, but the most common reasons are appearance or looks, concerns about health, emotional reasons and self improvement goals.
   Most people lack the right motivation to help them in their weight loss program or they do not know how to accomplish their diet and weight loss goals. By following the basic strategies in this article you can shed the unwanted weight easily.

  Most people are not aware of the suffering and sacrifices that comes with dieting. Weight loss companies and doctors don't usually disclose the suffering that accompanies any successful diet, but the truth is there are some level of physical and emotional suffering that people who are dieting pass through to succeed. If you really want to achieve your fitness goals you have no other option than to endure the suffering.

   Oesity researchers recommend eating breakfast every day. Including breakfast in your daily routine is a common factor for successful weight loss and maintenance.  This is because breakfast does the following:
- Breakfast suppresses midmorning hunger.
- It increases fiber intake from cereals, fruits, and whole grains.
- It encourages improved health consciousness.
- Breakfast reduce blood glucose control.
- It reduces fewer episodes of impulsive, or excessive eating later in the      day.
  So don't just rush out in the morning without eating breakfast, especially if you are on a weight loss program because breakfast is essential to attaining and maintaining a healthy body weight.

  The more you just hang out in your kitchen, the more you'll feel the urge to eat and you might eventually give. So ignore those modern kitchen comfy like the kitchen tv and computer, because they are just there to make you fat.

  Consistent food choices may encourage self - control and self - discipline, minimize food temptations food and increase your ability to persevere with the dieting routine. Adopting an eating pattern is very important in the weight loss program, because the frequency in which you eat affect affects your weight. For example, people who consume small amounts of food several times per day tend to be thinner than individuals who eat large meals at once but infrequent and also skipping a meal to loss some pounds. Constituency in your daily meals helps you loss weight and also maintain the loss.

  Low fat diet is beneficial because high at food are often dense and large portions are relatively easy to consume also they are generally tempting, so it is easy to eat more than intended.

   Weight monitoring on a regular basis is for self-monitoring and for motivation. Seeing low numbers will keep you motivated. Consistent self-monitoring is associated with improved weight loss. While weighing do not obsess over the numbers on the scale.

   Physical activity can, reduce the risk of several diseases, (such as diabetes, coronary heart disease hypertension and cancer increase metabolic rate, affect body composition and improve an individual’s mental outlook. Physical activity is also essential when in regards to less abdominal fat. So physical activity is one of the most important elements of
successful weight management and health improvement.

    Being committed to being fit will definitely result being successful in the weight loss battle. You need to fight against the old you that want hold on to its comfortable eating habits.

  A healthy diet is simply an eating regimen you follow that serves your best interests. Losing weight and maintaining the loss is not easy, so people make excuses and assume that diets don't work. What they fail to understand is that their failure is as a result of behaviors such as lack of exercise, poor food choices and pattern and lack of preparation. Diets work perfectly every time and no matter how easy or difficult it is for you to lose weight, it can be done.

Success in weight management requires a lifelong commitment to healthful food selection, regular physical exercise, and diligently monitoring weight.
  If you are on a diet, we would like to know how you've been able to stay motivated to stick with your diet. And for those that have fall off the wagon on their weight loss journey, we would like to hear from you. Leave a comment below.


   Belly fat can be sometimes be too stubborn to deal with. Belly fat doesn't just make you look less attractive, but it can be dangerous for your health, leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, liver diseases, heart diseases , stroke dementia, and more.
   Belly fat is very common in Nigeria, both in men and women and the main causes are genetics, overeating, poor posture, hormonal changes and more. Although belly fat can be reduced by eating the right food, regular physical exercise and other fat belly remedies, but the easy way to eliminate excess belly fat is by having fat burning drinks which combine powerful cleansing ingredients to remove toxins. These drinks are a natural way to melt the fat fast if you drink them on  regular basis especially before you go to bed, because when you are asleep the metabolism works slowly than when you are awake. These homemade drinks are natural, cost affordable, and easily available.

   Cranberry drink contain organic acids such as citric acid and the quinic acid that act as digestive enzymes and may help your body actually dissolve fatty deposits. They can enhance the body’s metabolism which is vital so that the fats that are stored in the body which leads to excess weight can be converted to energy instead. That is they act as emulsifying agents on stubborn fat. Drink the 100% natural cranberry juice every day in for optimum results.
   Mix 1 cup of Cranberry juice(Unsweetened) and 7cups of water. Drink one cup first thing in the morning and continue throughout the day. Or you can blend 1 cup Cranberry juice,1 cup of any Citrus fruit juice and 3 ice cubes in a blender, blend it till it's smooth and pour into a glass.

  Lemon water helps increase the enzymes that help to detoxify the liver, because a stressed liver will not metabolize the fat efficiently.
   Extract the juice from a lemon and mix with 1 glass of warm water.  Drink it on an empty stomach, wait for at least 30 minutes before you eat or drink anything. Drink it daily.

   This lemonade help you achieve your weight loss goals in a short time. It melts the fats and also removes toxins in the abdomen area.
   Combine 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon, 300ml water, pinch of Cayenne pepper, I tablespoon of grounded cinnamon and salt in mug, mix the ingredients together and drink.

  Green tea contains catechins, a type of phytochemical that affects the body metabolism. It promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn abdominal fat. Research has showed that drinking 4 cups of green tea everyday will help to lose more than 6 pounds of weight and fat within 8 weeks.
   To prepare you need
1 to 2 teaspoons or  Green tea or tea bag
1 teaspoon Lemon juice
1 cup Hot water
5 Mint leaves
Honey (Optional) – as per your taste. Then add green tea  and mint leaves to a cup of hot water and stir. Cover and allow to steep for about 7 – 10 minutes. Strain the tea and add lemon juice and honey. Mix and drink 3-4 times a daily after meals.  
Or 1 -2 tablespoon of Green tea bag,
1 cup Hot water,
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice,
And Honey. Soak green tea leaves in hot water and add Lemon juice. Leave it overnight next morning stir in Honey until dissolved and then drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

   There are many every day spices and herbs that can be used to reduce belly fat. Such as Cucumber, Ginger, lemon and Mint. Each has its own properties for burning fat and when combined they work effectively
   Cucumbers are refreshing, high in water content and dietary fibre that cleanse the body and its low in calories. One full cucumber contains just 45 calorie. Ginger boosts metabolism, lemon is full of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. While mint calms cravings and soothes the tummy.
   You can make a fat burning drink out of these incredible herbs to get  faster results. You need 1 cucumber, 1 teaspoon grated ginger, mint leaves, 1 lemon and 2 liters of water.  Cut the lemon and cucumber into slice, and add to water. Add the mint leaves and ginger too stir and soak overnight. Drink it throughout the day.

   I hope you find this article helpful,nso instead of feeling hopeless about your excess belly fat these  drinks will help you eliminate excess belly fat and also accomplish your weight loss mission.


    The key to healthy and effective weight loss is through diet and exercise.  No food will magically melt away fat. But there are many foods that can help loss weight and burn calories.
   These food increase your metabolism and triggers toxins,  which help to reduce unwanted fat.
    The fat burning food must have fat burning properties, be easy to prepare,  be easily introduced into the diet, be enjoyable and be beneficial to our health.
  Garlic and onions are two foods. Minerals and oils inside garlic and onions help to break down fat and increase the metabolism. They are easy to combine and can be utilized in every meal.

  High protein foods require more energy from the body to process, thus the fat burning properties. Beans and Legumes particularly are the best examples of foods with high protein. Beans help burn fat,regulate digestion and is good for muscle building, which in turn helps to increase metabolism.

   Satisfy your thirst daily while at the same time burning those calories with green tea.  Green tea contains EGCG which works to burn calories throughout the whole day. Green tea also has anti cancer and cholesterol maintenance properties. Replace those drinks filled with sugar and make green tea your drink of choice.

   The fibre content of wholegrain bread is high along with the nutritional benefits of the seeds within. Your body burn twice as many calories breaking down whole grains as it does while digesting processed foods, like white bread, and the fiber in it keeps you from wanting to reach for food throughout the day.

   Vegetables like spinach,argula and lettuce contain high amounts of fiber. They  also fight free radicals in your body and improve recovery for better muscle building.

   Apples contains pectin, a substance that prevents cells from absorbing fat. Apples are also packed with fiber, which helps you feel full.

  Salmon is a source of lean protein, which provides fuel without unhealthy fats. It is packed with good fats which are conducive to weight  loss. It is super easy to prepare and a cost effective.

  Oatmeal is rich in fiber which keeps you full for hours and curbs any food cravings during the day. It also helps reduce blood sugar and blood pressure and starts your day with lots of energy.

   The high vitamin C content of oranges is conducive to fat burning.Vitamin C promotes the production of Carnitine in the body which breaks  down and burns fat. Orange is also rich in fiber. Eat your oranges fresh rather then taking the juice. Orange is high in fiber and a filling and
sweet satisfying end to meals.

    The compound called capsaicin which gives chili peppers their kick,
heats up the body and spikes your metabolism which in turn melts additional calories. You can eat them raw, cooked, dried, or in powdered form, but don’t eliminate them from your diet.



   In chemistry, an acid is defined as a substance that turns blue litmus red, neutralizes alkalis and much more. It is a very corrosive liquid and can be equivalent to fire, or should I say liquid fire. It even does more damage than fire.
  Every year, there is an estimated 80 %  of acid attacks worldwide and 1,500 acid attacks are directed at women. Most victims mainly women in the aftermath have had their lives changed forever because of this and they do not know what to do about what has befall them.
   It is very important get first aid as soon as possible. Otherwise as it has been in some worst cases the acid can penetrate the bone which could be fatal for patient’s life.
   People who have experienced acid burns just don't struggle with their scar they struggle with the society. It’s so common for acid attack patients to lose social life. They can’t step outside because there is no acceptance for such kind of face in the society
    Most people don't know what to do in the event of an acid attack. The reason for this article is so you can help minimize serious acid damage and disfigurement.

  If you see that someone is going to throw something at you, especially at your face (because this is usually the body part targeted for maximum damage), don't assume it's water. Immediately raise your hands and cover your face and especially your eyes, since our vision is our most precious sense. It is better to have burns on your hands then to lose your vision . If you have a jacket or sweater, cover your face with it. Turn your head from the attacker and flee from the source of attack because the attacker can throw more at you.

   The most important First Aid is to immediately wash affected body part with plenty of water. Water is very essential to minimize acid damage to skin,
   There is a story about two British women (teachers) who were attacked with acid in Zanzibar and luckily for them, they were not too far from the sea. So they immediately into the ocean to dilute the acid. They only suffered permanent discoloration of their skin on the part of the acid attack.
  As you flee, do not rush to the hospital immediately. Scream for help for people to bring you water, or if you know a water source like a pool that won't take too much time to get to.  Or look for a running tap. Keep the water for as long as possible or if it's in a pool remain there, experts suggest 30 minutes of pouring water on affected area or until you notice burning sensation has finally stopped. Some people pour water on the affected area alright, but the mistake they make is they pour just a cup and head to the hospital afterwards not knowing that the acid will continue destroying their tissue all the way to the hospital and can lead to increase disfigurement.

   Head to the hospital but first, remove all the jewelry or clothing which had contact with the acid, and don’t put anything like oils, creams oin etc. as this might adversely affect the treatment doctors will give you later. Water is all you need before you get to the hospital.

   Prevention is better than cure though,  and some preventive tips to avoid acid attack are:

1. Always be aware and alert of your surroundings and of people moving suspiciously around you, because there are some very cruel people in this world especially if they are holding a cup or bottle, since acid is usually carried in a cup or bottle. Also be aware if a person is acting in a suspicious manner.

2. Watch out for people who might bear a grudge against you. And if you see them approaching menacingly, run and alert people around as you do so.

  I deeply sympathize with victims of acid attacks and I hope this article will be helpful to others in the case of future eventuality.

Sunday 22 May 2016


   Depression is a common mood disorder that is affecting more and more people around the world. Depression makes it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did (Some people describe depression as sadness or living in a black hole). Depressed people feel lifeless and empty, and men may feel angry and restless.
   Every person experience depression differently and some may experience more symptoms than others, so depression often go unrecognized and those affected by it often suffer in silence.
   The aim of this article is to learn to recognize the most common symptoms of depression in yourself, your friends or family members.

   Depression can take your ability to feel joy and pleasure, and can take  enjoyment out of the things you love. You will loss interest in daily activities that you once looked forward to such as sports, hobbies, hanging out with friends, other social activities and even  sex.

   People with major depression are always angry, feeling agitated, restless or even violent. The physical and mental toll of depression also contributes to anxiety and irritability. Their tolerance level is low, temper short, and
everything and everyone gets on their nerves.
   Major depression is a mood disorder that affects the way you feel about life in general. There is this bleak outlook that nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation. Hopelessness is one of the worst symptoms of depression as those suffering from hopelessness may believe that they will and can never feel better and they may resort to suicide, believing it's the only way out. Feelings of hopelessness can discourage people from seeking treatment for their depression. Other feelings may be worthlessness, self-hate,or inappropriate guilt.

    You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes. We all have our inner critic but for people who are depressed, this critical inner voice can have a powerful and destructive influence on their state of mind.
   Part of the reason you might stop doing things you enjoy is because you feel very tired. Depression often comes with a lack of energy, feeling fatigued, sluggish and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.

   Depression is linked to insomnia and also excessive sleeping as a result of being physically drained. The lack of quality, restful sleep can also lead to anxiety. Constant fear and anxiety will lead to difficulties with staying or falling asleep. Poor sleep only makes depression worse.

  Weight and appetite can fluctuate differently for each person with major depression. Some will have an increased appetite and gain weight while others won't be hungry and lose weight. Some depressed people may
emotionally eat in a conscious or unconscious attempt to improve their mood. depression induced inactivity which can also contribute to weight gain

   Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.

    An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain. People who are depressed tend to have a lot of negative self focused attention, so they might be more likely to notice
pain sensations and concentrate on them, which can make the perception of pain worse.

   The scariest reality with depression is its connection with suicide. People who are depressed see suicide as a way out. Suicides rarely come without showing symptoms first. Often people will talk about it or have a first attempt before succeeding in ending their life. If you or someone you know are suicidal, get help immediately.

   If you or someone you know have had some of the previously mentioned symptoms for more than two weeks, you might be suffering from major
depression disorder. Recognizing that you are depressed and finding the right information is important in getting the right help. There are varying
treatments available, from lifestyle changes to medications.



   Every woman deserves access to the right information necessary for living a healthy, comfortable and infection free life.
   Menstruation is a time when the risk of infections and sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) are heightened,  because the cervix opens to pass out blood and bacteria can also passes through the opening to the uterus.
   Based on cultural beliefs and practices, like the stigma that the menstrual cycle renders a woman unclean, most women go through their periods very secretly and do not bother if their practices are hygienic or
  This article helps ensure that women are fully informed about the basics of menstrual hygiene,  and about the right way to stay healthy and avoid infection during menstruation.

    Bathe at least twice a day to keep the body clean and avoid odor. Good personal hygiene includes appropriate cleansing during menstruation.During menstruation, blood tends to enter tiny spaces like the skin between your labia or crust around the opening of the vagina and you should always wash this excess blood away. it is important to wash your vagina and labia (the projecting part of female genitals) well before you change into a new pad to beat bad odour from the vaginal region.
  Bathing not only cleanses your body but also gives you a chance to clean your private parts well. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps, backaches, helps improve your mood and makes you feel less bloated.
  Wash your hands before and after going to the bathroom, changing your menstrual protection or cleaning your vagina.

   Because your vagina is more sensitive than other parts of your body, it requires a different kind of wash. Always wash your vagina externally, just use your hands and warm water and never use normal soap, douches or shampoo on your intimate area, which can upset your natural flora and acidity.
  Gently wash from front to back, that is from the vaginal to the anus.
Washing in the opposite direction can cause bacteria from the anus to lodge in the vagina and urethral opening, leading to infections such as urinary tract infections and yeast infections. Never wash in the oppositen direction!! Wet the buttocks and external anal area last to avoid bacterial contamination of the vagina or urethra.
   Gently pat yourself dry with a clean towel and check that the entire area is dry before getting dressed. Covered wet skin can enhance the growth of bacteria and other organisms.

   The pH of blood is higher than healthy vaginal pH, so it is not advisable to leave menstrual pads or tampons for long. Prolonged exposure to damp
sanitary pads can also irritate your skin and risk infection. Continual use of the same sanitary pad or tampon increases your risk of infection and toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a condition that requires immediate treatment and can lead to serious complications and even death. The standard time to change a sanitary pad is once every six hours, while that for a tampon is once every two hours. Apply a new tampon or sanitary napkin and clean

   Avoid tight underwears or fabrics like spandex that don't breathe. Wearing clothes close to your vagina can cause increased moisture and heat and also irritate your skin. Wear cotton underwear, cotton is breathable and also loose fitting clothing to stay fresh and dry .

  Washing the vaginal with soap can kill the good bacteria making way for infections. The vagina has its own cleaning mechanism that works in a very fine balance of good and bad bacteria. You can use soap externally but not inside the vaginal or vulva. Just use water.

   When you have your periods it is important to be ready. It is important to have extra sanitary pads or tampons properly stored in a clean pouch or paper bag, some paper tissues or towels, hand sanitizer, a healthy snack.
   You need extra pads because changing your pads and tampons is very important. Paper towels are important to wipe off the excess water after you wash your private parts. It is best not to use toilet paper as it tends to shred and tear when it touches water. Your hand sanitizer is a very
important factor here. You will need it to clean your hands and you can use it to clean the flush knob and tap faucet as well. The snack is a backup in case you feel weak or run down during the day.

Saturday 21 May 2016


  Pimples are a normal skin condition that affects many people. Pimples are an inflammation of the skin in which the oil gland (sebaceous gland) becomes infected with bacteria, swell up and fill with pus.
   Pimples generally occurs in the face, neck, back and shoulder. They can be really annoying and can make a person feel miserable about their appearance.
   Although, there are lots of lotions and medicine to treat pimples in the market, but they take time. Here are some proven natural remedies that can help you get rid of pimples fast.

   Lemon juice is very rich in vitamin C and also has citric acid which promotes the removal of dead cells from the skin, so it is a very effective remedy for pimples. Lemon juice helps pimples dry up faster and it provides a natural way to whiten the skin.
   There are a couple of ways to apply this remedy. Dip a clean cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the pimples before going to bed or you can also mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and apply on the pimples overnight. Wash the skin well with warm water in the morning. However, this particular remedy is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.
  You can also combine lemon juice with salt to increase the drying power of the lemon juice. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice.

   Ice can be used to quickly reduce the redness, swelling and inflammation of pimples. Ice reduces the appearance of blemishes. It helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, and in tightening the skin pores and removing dirt and oil accumulated on the skin.
  Just rub an ice cube on the trouble spots, or wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and hold it on the affected skin for a few seconds, wait a fewnminutes and the bacteria will be pushed out

3. Baking Soda
   Baking soda is another effective home remedy to get rid of pimples. it’s cheap, and it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals or other ingredients. It has mild but potent antiseptic properties; it destroys fungus and bacteria
while it sucks up excess oil. it helps exfoliate the skin to remove excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells, Thus, your skin becomes softer.
   Make a paste of water and baking soda, then apply like a mask on your skin. Leave the mask on your face for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Repeat the process twice a day for quick results.

   Garlic is an antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant agent that can help in the fast treatment of pimples. The sulfur in garlic also promotes quick healing of pimples.
  To use, thinly slice a clove of garlic. Rub the garlic clove and the juice of garlic onto your skin, paying close attention to problem area and leave on for up to 30 minutes before washing with warm water. Repeat the process several times a day.

   Steaming is wonderful for your skin when you have pimples, because the steam will open your pores and allow your skin to breathe . This helps get rid of bacteria, oil, dirt trapped in the pores that can cause infection or inflammation. Steam can help to open the pores and flush out the impurities
   Fill a large container with hot water and allow the steam to come in contact with your face for a few minutes. Rinse your face with warm water and, after drying, apply an oil-free moisturizer.

  Honey is a source of natural antibiotics that can speed up healing process, as well as help prevent infections.
  Dip a cotton swab in honey, put it directly on the affected skin area and leave it on for half an hour, Wash the skin well with lwarm water. Do this a few times a day.

  Papaya is a very common ingredient in most high end skin products, because it is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin A, and it has enzymes that help reduce inflammation and make your skin soft and smooth.
  Crush raw papaya pieces to extract its juice and apply it directly on your skin. Rinse off after 15 minutes. To make a face mask, mash some papaya
pieces and add a little honey. Apply this paste on your face and massage gently. Leave it on until it dries completely and then rinse it off.

   Cucumber is a rich source of potassium and vitamins such as A, C and E. It also has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.
   Cut fresh cucumbers into pieces and soak them in water for about an hour. The nutrients in the cucumber will transfer to the water. Strain the water and drink it, or use the water to wash your face. You can also make a face mask by grinding a cucumber. Apply the mask on your face and allow it to dry for 15 minutes. Wash your skin with warm water.

  Egg whites contain vitamins and amino acids so they provide a cheap, easy and quick way to get rid of pimples . They also eliminate scars amd help to re-build your skin's cells.
  Separate the egg white from the yolk. Then, you can use a cotton ball, or simply your fingers to apply the egg white to your skin. Wait for it to dry then repeat this 4 times, leave the final mask for 20 minutes, rinse off and apply a suitable skin moisturizer

10. Water
   it’s simple, but it works. By drinking 10-12 glasses of water per day, you can flush most, if not all, impurities out your body.

  These are just a few of the best natural remedies for treating pimples quickly, there are so many more out there. So, if you try these and you are not satisfied, keep looking, and you will find the perfect one for you!


  Many people today, look older than their age with wrinkled skin, crinkled hair, receding hairline, chunky face and puckered lips. Although we can't stop our skin from aging, but we can take steps to slow the process.
   The primary reason why people are aging faster include:
- Eating sugar
- Exposed to environmental pollutants, chemicals and toxins
- Low fat intake
- Excessive exposed to ultraviolet light
- Chemicals in personal hygiene products and household cleaning supplies
- Stressed out
- Dehydrated
- Processed foods
- Inadequate protein
- Lack of sleep
  These factors cause inflammation of the skin and leads to faster aging. Here are some magic tips which you can always use to hide your age.

  A nutritious diet is one of the easiest ways to reverse the aging process in inflamed skin. Make sure to include lots of vegetables and fruits like orange, spinach, cabbage and broccoli in your diet. Also rich fats, such as fish and fish oil, walnuts and olive oil. Avoid sugars and refined carbohydrates such as wheat and grains.
  Include spices such as tumeric, garlic, thyme and cayenne in your diet, spices are choke full of natural anti-inflammatory compounds.

Hot water can dehydrate your skin and cause broken capillaries, opt for lukewarm water to gently open pores while cleansing, then finish with a cold rinse to tighten them. You can instantly feel the difference."

  You must consume adequate protein in order to form proper amounts of collagen and elastin. Because in the skin, collagen and elastin are the primary components of the dermis (the layer right beneath the epidermis)  and they provide the support structure of your skin.

   While you may think you're doing your body a favor by juicing, many contain high quantities of fruit juices, which introduce too many sugars, and that can be inflammatory for a lot people.

   Exfoliation is key for younger skin. Scrubs removins dead skin cells, and people should avoid those scrubs made with crushed shells, salt, or anything too rough. And for those with sensitive skin they should go for products that has fruit enzymes and avoid anything with physically abrasive ingredients.


   Some of the best ways to get rid of pimples are home remedy secrets, such as the use of garlic. Garlic has natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Press the inside of a fresh clove of garlic onto a blemish or crush an aspirin with water into a paste,  apply overnight and by morning the blemish will be gone.

  Sleeping on dirty linens can contribute to acne, so clean sheets and pillowcases make a big difference. Swap out and clean your pillowcase and sheets every few days. Try to sleep on your back,  because sleeping on the stomach and side can lead to lines and skin sagging.

   Regularly follow a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin. Give special attention to neck while moisturising your face. Neck reflects your age. If you truly want to eradicate every trace of makeup, use a toner after washing your face. Washing and exfoliating the face can strip it of the natural acid mantle, so using a toner can help bring your skin's pH back into balance.

   There are some ways you makeup that highlights your age or even make you look older. Best anti-aging make up tips are:
- Dont apply too much of make-up. It echoes yourfrustration related to your ageing skin.
- Take special care of your eyebrows.Go for a medium thick brow that looks like it's naturally in good shape. Its is very important in taking years off your face.
- Choose from grey or brown eyeliners. NO BLACK EYELINERS.
- Always go in for cream-based cheek color over powdered one.
- Caramels and dusty pink lipstick topped with gloss make the lips much younger.
   For hairstyles go for fringes and bangs, they look very cute. And frame your face well with layers instead of keeping it all in one length while getting a haircut for yourself.
   For those with glasses, opt in for coloured plastic glasses rather than metal frames.


   If your gum is bleeding consistently, you should not ignore it, because healthy gums do not bleed. Bleeding gum can happen for a number of reasons like gingivitis or the side effects of a pregnancy, but bleeding gum can also be a sign of gum disease which poses a serious threat to our health and life span,
   Changing your oral care routine can also make your gums bleed, at least at first.  Here are the ways to stop bleeding gums once and for all:

  The best way to stop bleeding gums is to see your dentist. A dentist can explain the causes of bleeding gums. He will examine your teeth and gums and determine if you have a more serious condition, such as advanced gum disease. He might take an x-ray of the teeth and gum and if he believes treatment is needed then he will advise a treatment plan.

   The biggest cause of bleeding gums is plaque buildup along the gumline. When you don't remove plaque in a timely manner, it hardens into a calcified material that plaque adheres to and continues to irritate the gums, which cause them to bleed and can progress into gum disease. The best way to reduce plaque buildup and your risk for bleeding gums is to brush properly! 
   Although we all know we need to brush to avoid bleeding gums, however, most of us are not doing it often enough or long enough.
   *Always use a fluoride toothpaste.
   *Brush twice a day, for at least 2 minutes. It takes 2 minutes to clean a 
     mouth full of teeth.
   * Floss at least twice a day. be sure to floss beyond the gum line to 
     remove more plaque.
  Brushing twice a day is typically recommended for people who don't have any dental disease. So it is imoortant for one to brush after every meal and snack for at least 2 min but you should wait around half an hour between eating and brushing as this will reduce the risk of causing enamel damage.

   If you do brush and floss regularly and also pay a visit to your dentist but still experiencing bleeding gums, then your oral hygiene care tools could be what's causing your gums to bleed. Soft bristled brushes are more effective because they can bend into the curves and corners and tight spaces around your teeth and gums. A hard bristled brush can cause irritation which leads to traumatic bleeding.
   In some cases it might not be the tools that are causing the bleeding, but the way you are using them. Many people use brushes that are too stiff and they brush their teeth very roughly. Hard brushing and stiff bristled brushes won’t get the job done. But rather, Use a soft bristled brush and a gentle circular motion to get the best results! Hard brushing can further damage the soft tissues of your mouth.

  Lack of flossing leads to the development and progression of bleeding gums. Flossing is important because gum disease is the result of bacteria that is organised in what is called a biofilm. They are covered in a sticky substance that protects the bacteria from attack and make them difficult to remove from your teeth and gums, and flossing is the number one way to remove the plaque biofilm and disrupt this malicious bacterial invasion. However, the plaque bacteria reforms quickly (in less than 24 hours) which is why even people with healthy mouths need to floss at least daily to help prevent the formation and spread of bacteria throughout their mouth.

   Diet does play a role in both the prevention and maintenance of the  dental problem. What you eat and when you eat it also plays a part in keeping your gums from bleeding. A diet that is high in raw fruits and vegetables will provide you with the vitamins and minerals that are essential to healthy teeth and gums. Foods that contain lots of sugar or simple carbohydrates increase your risk for tooth and gum problems, as sugar and carbohydrates feeds dental plaque and creates an ideal environmentfor plaque to form. Eat a balanced diet and limit snacking between meals.
   Stay away from smoking and other tobacco products, which can aggravate bleeding gums.

  Anti-bacterial mouth rinse are useful in the fight to cure bleeding gums. They make your breath smell better. Usually rinsing 1-2 times daily for 30 seconds is sufficient to help reduce bacterial infection. Also you can rinse your mouth with salt water or hydrogen peroxide to keep the area clean. Avoid mouth washes that contain alcohol, which can dry out your mouth.

   Certain over-the-counter pain relievers, like aspirin, thin the blood and can therefore cause bleeding gums. It's also possible for a prescription medication to cause gum bleeding. Always talk to your doctor if you think a medication is causing side effects, even if they seem mild.


  Bleeding gums are never normal. Although occasional bleeding gum can be a result of brushing your teeth too vigorously, but frequent bleeding gum can indicate a more serious condition like gum disease.
  Here are 5 reasons why your gums are bleeding,

   Medications can be a major reason for bleeding gums, because many medications are blood thinning, that is,nthey decrease the blood's ability to clot, and this can lead to easier bleeding and also bleeding gum. Some medications have also been related to oral conditions such as the bad breath, stained teeth and many more. It is important to let your dentist and doctor know about any medication you may be on.

   Changes in your flossing routine can also lead to bleeding gums. For instance, if you haven't remembered to floss in a long time and restarted flossing then you might notice some bleeding, or maybe you have began to floss more frequently to help remove food and plaque from between your teeth, then you may notice some bleeding. Also flossing incorrectly can result in bleeding gum, it is not a serious issue and clears up within a week.

   As most of us know smoking leads to cancer but before that it will cause dental problems. Smokers experience bleeding gums because,the inhaled smoke leaves toxin which causes irritation in gums and it becomes difficult to remove through oral hygiene. These toxins will aggravate the gum problem and cause bleeding. There is a high chance of periodontal disease (Gum disease) when you smoke. The best way to avoid bleeding gums is by quiting smoking.

   Switching toothbrush from a soft-bristled to a firm brush may also result in gums that bleed. Talk to your dentist about what toothbrush is right for you or try returning to a soft or medium-bristled brush.

   Gingivitis is the first phase of gum disease. When plaque on the teeth and at the gumline is not removed by brushing and flossing it can infect the gums and you will suffer from the dental condition called gingivitis.
When gingivitis occurs, your gums may become swollen, tender and sometimes start bleeding while brushing. The early stage of the disease responds well to regular brushing and flossing habits and regular visit to the dentist. It is very important to cure this condition as failing to do so can lead to a serious condition called periodontitis and even tooth loss.

   A proper and healthy diet is the most important step to ensure that you do not suffer bleeding gums. Consuming fresh vegetables along with grains, dairy and protein will ensure healthy gums without any sort of problems. Maintaining a proper lifestyle is the key to stay healthy and the same applies for our dental health.

   Pregnancy gingivitis is a condition when pregnant women experience swollen gums and bleeding during brushing. Hormonal changes during pregnancy alter the body's response to the bacteria that causes gum disease. The symptoms clear up after pregnancy.
   Although some cases of bleeding gum can be temporary, but some of them are matters of concern. Regular brushing and flossing can help to prevent gum problems from becoming worse. The best way to find out what is causing your gums to bleed is to see your dentist and dental hygienist so that any dental problem can be detected.


   Ringworm ( Dermatophytosis ) is a fungal infection which affects the skin, nails, face, groin, hand, feet and scalp. It affects different areas of the body.
   Medically ringworm is known as Tinea. Another word is added after 'Tinea' depending on the affected area.

Tinea capitis (scalp) cause hair loss due to patches and itching.

Tinea manus (Hand) : It is characteriaised by round shaped itchy rashes or tiny blisters which can be seen on the palms, back of the hand or on the
fingers also the spaces between the fingers.

Tinea pedis (Feet) : Symptoms are peeling of the skin between the toes, thickening and scaling on the heels and soles.

Tinea corporis (Body) : Flat, round and scaly spots on the skin.

Tinea unguium (Nail) : Tinea Unguium causes the loss of nails, nails
become yellow, thick and crumbly.

Tinea cruris (Groin): Symptoms include redness and persistent itching at the groin area and sometimes painful rash.

Tinea faciei (Face) : It affects the face by causing red, scaly patches on the skin.
   This skin condition is particularly common among children. It isn't a life threatening condition, but it is a contagious disease and it can be transferred from person to person and pet to person through direct contact or indirectly from clothes, combs and brushes of infected persons and infected moist surface so it requires utmost care.
   Symptoms of ringworm appear within a few days of infection. Here are some natural home remedies that can get rid of ringworm.

Home Remedies:

1. COCONUT OIL: The healing properties found in coconut oil are extremely effective in treating ringworm infections. Coconut oils provides great relief from itchy skin while making the area smooth and soft. Coconut oil is also greatly used in treating scalp ring worms because, it is great for treament of grey hair and other hair and scalp problems. Apply the oil on the affected area overnight. By doing this you will eliminate build-up and
residue of the infection.

2. TURMERIC: Tumeric has some great natural antibiotic qualities. This
remedy will help you get rid of all kinds of bacterial and fungal infections.   Apply fresh tumeric juice on the affected areas with the help of a cotton ball. You need to apply it 3 times every day until the infection disappears.

3. GARLIC EXTRACT : Garlic is used as a food spice and medicine in different parts of the world. This spice has antimicrobial effects against many strains of bacteria, fungi and virus, garlic inhibited the growth of these organisms. Garlic is flavoured with ajoene, a natural anti-fungal agent. Garlic is used to cure many kinds of fungal infections, including ringworm.
   Apply by mashing a few cloves of garlic, wash off with warm water after some hours and apply on the affected areas, apply two or three times daily. Another method is to peel a clove and cut it into tiny pieces
Place these slices on the affected area, then tie a bandage around it. You need to leave it overnight for best results. Or you can make a thick paste and apply it on the affected area. The downside is that some people can be allergic to garlic. So first try small quantity over a small uninfected area to know if you are allergic.

4. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: Apple cider vinegar also has natural antifungal
properties. Apple cider vinegar is made up of antimicrobial constituents like acetic acid which inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Vinegar has been used for many years as disinfectants. To use this remedy, apply undiluted apple vinegar to the affected area with a clean cotton ball several times every day. You need to do this until the patches are gone for best results
For the toes or nails, mix a cup of apple cider vinegar with warm water, soak affected area for 15 to 25 minutes.
   Do not apply on a broken skin because it will give you a severe burn.

5. VINEGAR AND SALT:  Mix vinegar and salt until it forms a thick paste. Apply directly on the affected area for 5 minutes then wash off and dry the area. Do at least twice or thrice daily.

   Maintaining a good hygiene can help prevent ringworm.You need to keep your skin clean and dry, and shampoo your hair regularly. Avoid sharing
personal care items with others. Also avoid touching pets with bald patches on the skin. Eat healthy foods to enhance your immune power. Keep yourself healthy and hygienic.

Sunday 15 May 2016


   Housefly is one of the most common insect and it is  major health hazard. Housefly regurgitate and excrete wherever they come to rest, thereby mechanically transmit disease organism. Infact many common diseases are transmitted by Housefly.
   House flies mainly spread infectious diseases. These are diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa and even nematodes (worms like the roundworm or threadworm).
   This article is a way of promoting the fly killer machine. It provides information on diseases that can be caused by house flies.
   Houseflies frequent dung heaps and other fecal sources. They also visit decaying matter including dead animals. When they land on food that is prepared for human consumption, the contaminated material is often transferred to the food thereby resulting in these infectious diseases.   There are eide range of diseases that can be transmitted by Houseflies. Some of the diseases spread by house flies include :

   The symptoms are unexpected episodes of watery diarrhoea that contains white mucous material, stomach pains, dry or sticky mouth, concentrated coloured urine, dry skin, nausea and vomiting  While in a child the soft spot at the top of the head is sunken. Cases can vary from mild to serious. If untreated,serious cases can lead to imminent death. Drink plenty of fresh water, mixed with small quantities of salt and sugar.
   Other diarrheal illnesses spread by house flies, includes bacteria such as E.coli (Escherichia coli) ,Shigella, Campylobacter, Enterococcus and related bacteria which commonly cause diarrheal illnesses and are found in the stool of people with these illnesses. 

   Symptoms are bloody diarrhoea, fever and stomach pain. Most cases are mild and may not even be noticed. In a small number of cases, the very young and very old may be vulnerable to high temperature fever, possibly leading to a seizure in a toddler.

   The symptoms depends on the strains of the E.coli, some strains are harmless and result in no detectable symptoms, and it causes no problem,While other strains can sometimes cause bloody diarrhea. It can lead to uremic syndrome that leads to kidney failure in young children. No treatment is necessary, unless uremic syndrome occurs, in which case a blood transfusion and kidney dialysis may be required.

   Symptoms of typhoid fever are loss of appetite, headache, stomach pain, high temperature and sometimes even weakness.  If no treatment is
given, the subject may become seriously ill and even die from secondary problems. A doctor will usually prescribe an antibiotic and the symptoms will cease in a few days.

   Houseflies can be controlled by the elimination of the breeding places and keeping a clean surrounding, also they can be eliminated with the use of insecticides.


  High blood pressure also called hypertension is a common condition, it is defined as a tension (pressure) in the Arteries, which are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The blood flow through the Arteries are higher than normal.
   It is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body (it puts an extra strain on the heart and blood vessels) and lead to hardening of the arteries,or stroke, kidney disease, and to the development of heart failure, it is closely linked to some forms of dementia.
   A blood pressure reading has two numbers. The systolic blood pressure (the top number) equals the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts. The diastolic pressure (the bottom number) is the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes. The ranges are:

Normal: Less than 120 over 80 (120/80), blood pressure between 120-139 over 80-89 is called pre-hypertension.

Stage 1 high blood pressure : 140-159 over 90-99

Stage 2 high blood pressure : 160 and above over 100 and above

High blood pressure in people over age 60: 150 and above .

   You probably have high blood pressure (hypertension) if your blood pressure readings are consistently 140 over 90.
   High blood pressure usually has no signs or symptoms, so the only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have your measured. Occasionally people with very high blood pressure say they experience headaches. For the readings many things can affect the blood pressure during the day so the doctor will take a number of blood pressure readings to see that it stays high over time. The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known but several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, They include:
Too much salt in the diet
Not enough fruit and vegetables
Lack of physical activity
Being overweigh or obese
Too much alcohol consumption
   You can help to lower your blood pressure and the risk of stroke and heart attack by making lifestyle changes.
   There are some factors that increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, which cannot be controlled. These include
1. Older age: As you get older, the effects of an unheabut severalyle can build up and your blood pressure can increase.
2. Family history of high blood pressure: You are at greater risk if other members of your family have, or have had, high blood pressure.
3. Ethnicity or race : Race also plays a role, people from African-Caribbean and South Asian communities are at greater risk than other people of high blood pressure.
   Other uncontrolled factors includes: sleep apnea, genetics and adrenal and thyroid disorders. Some people may have high blood pressure that is linked to another medical condition, such as kidney problems, for these people treating the medical problem may lower their blood pressure back to normal.
   People who are more likely to develop high blood pressure are:
People with family members with history of high blood pressure
People who are overweight
People who are not active physically
People who drink alcohol excessively
Pregnant women
People who have sleep apnea
Women who take birth control pills
People over the age of 35
People who eat too many fatty foods or foods with too much salt.
   High blood pressure matters because untreated high blood pressure can damage and weaken your Arteries(it harden the arteries), cause eye damage or stroke and other complicated health issues.
  Good news! High blood pressure is manageable, so consult your doctor if you think you are at risk to receive an accurate diagnosis and learn to monitor your numbers so as to protect yourself from this "silent killer".


   The vaginal requires care and maintenance like most parts of the body.  And as we have established in the previous post, the vaginal health is crucial to the overall wellbeing of a woman. So rather than neglecting it, ladies should endeavor to give it care and attention.
   Generally, good vaginal health is maintained by making sure you're in good general health, and this includes maintaining a healthy diet and  regular exercise,because normal exercise helps maintain good vaginal function.
   Here are some helpful tips that helps in maintaining a healthy vaginal.

   The vaginal pH matters, A healthy vaginal is one which is slightly acidic (between 3.5 and 4.5) in nature and has high amounts of useful bacteria which keeps a normal PH level and fight infections. The vaginal dispenses a healthy amount of discharge that keep off dead cells and unwanted bacteria keeping the vaginal safe and infection free. It also lubricate the vaginal and prevent dryness. Any impedance with these typical conditions can lead to vaginal disturbance or infection. Since the vaginal is so delicate simple things like your period or sex can set it off balance. A douche will only cover up the smell without curing the problem that's causing it.

   The vaginal does not need to be cleaned out with soap. WASH WITH WATER ONLY. Don’t use harsh cleansers on the vulva or inside the vaginal, as these can influence the pH balance of the vaginal and cause irritation. The vaginal will clean itself inside the body with natural vaginal discharge. Although there are feminine washes available but they are not necessary and they should never be used inside the vaginal, they are for extenal uses only. Water will do just fine. During period it is advisable to wash more than once a day.

    Protect your vaginal against infections and STDs ,such as genital warts,genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia by always using a condom each time you have sex. This is because,  some bacteria and viruses can get into the vagina during sex.

  The vaginal is not supposed to smell like roses, so panty perfumes like scented spray and washes, deodorizing wipes, scented dryer sheets and deodorants are not necessary because, they can distrupt the vaginal's healthy balance and cause irritation which can result in infection. Masking an odor problem won't get to the cause of the problem which is unbalanced pH.

The vaginal needs to breathe! Tight spandex underwear and thongs can also trap bacteria causing infection and irritation. Always wear cotton underwear they are breathable and the vaginal needs all the air it can  get.

   Change your pads and tampons every few hours to keep things in good shape down there. Of course,  there is the threat of Toxic Shock Syndrome,but not changing enough can cause other vaginal issues.  The pH of blood is higher than healthy vaginal pH and it will definitely cause an imbalance,  so it is not advisable to let it stay longer.

   Your diet affect your vaginal health. Avoid junky food. Cranberry juice and yogurt can possibly help avoid yeast infection or bacterial infection and shock.

   A visit to the gynecologist at least once a year to make sure everything is okay, is a very important part of your vaginal health. This will ensure you are clear of infections and STDs. Cervical screening is needed for early identification of changes in the cervix to prevent cervical cancer.

Friday 13 May 2016


   All ladies ought to be worried about the well-being of their vaginal, just as they are about any other organ of the body, because the vaginal health is crucial to a woman's overall well-being.
   A healthy vaginal is one which is acidic in nature and has high amounts of useful bacteria which keeps a normal PH level and fight infections.  It dispenses a healthy amount of discharge that keep off dead cells and unwanted bacteria keeping the vaginal safe and infection free. It also lubricate the vaginal and prevent dryness. Any impedance with these typical conditions can lead to vaginal disturbance or infection.
    An unhealthy vaginal can affect your libido and fertility, and long term vaginal  distress can induce stress, lower your self confidence and affect your relationship with your partner. It also increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, and may
sometimes lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.
    A lot of women go about their daily life without knowing about the health of their vaginal. Here are some signs that indicate your vaginal is unhealthy.

   A constant itching and burning sensation indicates the onset of a number of vaginal infections. When the good  bacteria is outnumbered by the harmful bacteria in the vagina, the imbalance manifests itself through the symptom of itching and burning.
   Itching and burning can be caused by a reaction to chemicals or ingredients in soaps, contraceptive foams, creams and douching mixtures. These mixtures can alter the bacterial balance and acidity of the vagina that protect it against infections. A certain amount of yeast is essential to ward off harmful bacteria in the vaginal area. Itching and burning can also be caused by an overproduction of yeast leading to yeast infection.

   Painful urination is the major symptom of a vaginal infection like a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. These infection can occur due to the use of products like creams, tampons and soaps that contain certain harmful
chemicals. It may also occur from using a chemical-based douche or leaving a tampon in too long. Vaginal infections often cause the vagina to become
inflamed and hurt when urine passes through it. Painful urination is also  commonly associated with urinary tract infections.

   A “fishy odor” is one of the major symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. An overproduction of harmful bacteria causes bacterial vaginosis, and a
foul-smelling discharge from the vaginal is often the first and most
common symptom of this bacterial vaginosis. This discharge may especially occur after intercourse. Though it is unlikely for your vaginal  to smell like roses, but if you notice a strong odor, one that transfers to your undergarments, it might be a sign of an infection. And according to some studies, pregnant women who contract bacteria vaginosis run a risk of delivering their baby prematurely. Therefore, seek medical attention right away if you notice a vaginal odor.

   Vaginal discharge is the body’s natural mechanism to keep the vagina lubricated and flush out harmful bacteria. A healthy vagina will secrete
little measures of discharge to keep itself perfect, much as saliva is delivered to help cleanse the mouth.
   Red or brown discharge on normal days between periods could be indicative of cervical cancer, and it is wise to seek medical attention. Though if it occurs right after a menstrual cycle it's usually not a matter of concern. If it occurs during early pregnancy, it could signify a miscarriage. A watery white, gray or yellow discharge might be a symptom of bacterial vaginosis. A green or yellow discharge may be a sign of trichomoniasis, an STD.

   A bump on the outer vagina might be a symptom of vaginal or vulvar cancer. It is not as common as other cancers in women. Although this bump is most commonly located near the clitoris, it can occur anywhere on the outer vagina.
   A cancerous bump may begin as a mole but change color and texture to transform into a hard bump. It is usually black or dark brown, but it can also be pink or red. However sores and blisters might be symptoms of STDs, such as genital herpes. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice a bump on your outer vagina.

  While it is common for women who are new to sexual intercourse to experience bleeding, but if it happens to be a reccuring issue then medical attention must be sought. Bleeding during or after intercourse in a woman of any age could indicate a vaginal infection, STDS (chlamydia), vaginal tear or vaginal dryness (the friction produced during intercourse can irritate dry skin and cause spotting). If you have gone through menopause and experience bleeding during or after intercourse it could indicate cervical cancer. Therefore, any abnormal bleeding during or after intercourse needs medical attention.

   A menstrual cycle that lasts abnormally long may also be a sign that there’s a problem. If you have reached menopause but are still experiencing bleeding and spotting, consult your gynecologist immediately. Post-menopausal bleeding is a crucial symptom and must be diagnosed early to prevent it from becoming a malignant disease. Some women may also notice the passage of blood clots through the vagina another warning sign of an unhealthy vagina and vaginal related diseases, such as endometrial polyps (growths in the inner lining of the uterus) orcervical cancer.

   If you notice these signs or symptoms seek medical attention immediately,  because as i said earlier the vaginal health is crucial to a woman's overall well-being.
N.B: Next we will discussing ways to keep the vaginal healthy.


   Toxic Shock Syndrome is a rare but fatal medical condition usually caused by a bacteria infection. It is sometimes referred to as Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome or Toxic Shock-Like Syndrome.
   This condition is as a result of toxins produced by either Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph) and Streptococcus Pyogenes (Strep). These bacteria normally live harmlessly on the skin, nose or mouth but can invade the body's bloodstream and release poisonous toxins.
   Although, Toxic Shock Syndrome has been originally linked with the use of super absorbant tampons in menstruating women, the condition can affect men, children and people of all ages. Birth control methods such as vaginal sponge and diaphragm has been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome.
   Most Strep-related Toxic Shock Syndrome infections usually occurs when bacteria enters the body through an opening in the skin, such as cuts and scrapes,infected boil, sore surgical wounds, and even chickenpox blisters. While Staph-related case are through any type of staph infection, including pneumonia, an abscess, the blood infection (Septicemia), or bone infection (Oteomyelitis).
   Risk factors for this condition may include:
Recent childbirth
Recent skin infection, skin burn or surgery
Use of a diaphragm or vaginal sponge to prevent pregnancy
Open skin wound.
Women who uses tampons
This factors allows the bacteria to enter the body and release toxins.      

   Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome can vary from person to person, and the symptoms usually starts suddenly. Common signs of this condition include:
Sudden high fever
A faint feeling
Low blood pressure
A rapid drop in blood pressure (with lightheadedness or fainting),
Muscle aches
A sunburn-like rash may appear anywhere on the body
redness of eyes, mouth, and throat
The area around an infected wound can become swollen, red, and tender, but might not even appear infected.
Decreased urination
Fatigue and weakness
   If Toxic Shock Syndrome is untreated, it can result in liver and kidneys failure and problems such as bleeding and heart failure can develop.

   Certain precautions can reduce your risk of developing Toxic Shock Syndrome. These precautions includes:
1. Frequent washing of hands to remove any bacteria, because the bacteria that causes Toxic Shock Syndrome can be carried on unwashed hands.
2. Girls can reduce their risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome by the way they use tampons such as;
Wearing low-absorbency tampon or alternating them with  sanitary napkin during menstruation. 
Changing their tampon every four to eight hours.
Store tampons away from heat and moisture. For example, in a bedroom    rather than in a bathroom closet.
On low flow days, girls should use pads instead of tampons.
Washing of hands thoroughly before and after inserting a tampon,Because staphylococcus bacteria are often carried on hands
Do not wear tampons if you have a personal history of Toxic Shock Syndrome, because the disease can recur.
3. Clean and bandage skin wounds as quickly as possible and change dressing often.
   Toxic Shock Syndrome is a medical emergency it can be fatal if letf untreated, so it is very important to contact a doctor immediately if you notice the signs on yourself, your child or any other person.
   People with Toxic Shock Syndrome need to be hospitalized, and they need to stay in the  hospital for several days so that medical staff can closely monitor them.  Although Toxic Shock Syndrome can be fatal, if recognized and treated promptly it is usually curable.


   A burn injury can be one of the most painful and most common household injuries especially among children. An individual can suffer burn injury as a result of exposure to sunlight or radiation, heat, chemicals and electricity. Inhalation injury can be caused by breathing smoke.  
   Thousand of people suffer from burn injuries each year and there are wide variety of potential complications that a burn injury survivor may experience such as respiratory distress, infection and shock, there are also psychological distress because burn causes deformity and scarring. Burn injuries take time to heal and the treatment is expensive, depending on the degree of the burn.
   Burns are classified by the depth of tissue affected, and they are five types of burn injury.

1. First - degree burns
   These burns  are limited to the outer layer of the skin (Epidermis). Pain is usually minor, blisters do not develop. Tissue damage and edema are minimal and most of the skin's function is still intact.
Examples of first degree burns include a mild sunburn or injury caused by briefly touching a hot pan. Symptoms may include redness, swelling, peeling skin ,and sometimes a whitish char. First degree burns increase the risk of skin cancer and the healing process is usually from 2 - 5 days.

2. Second  - degree burns
   Second degree burns affect both the outer layer of skin (Epidermis) and the underlying layer of skin (Dermis). It is more painful than first degree burns, depending on the nerves involved. Symptoms include a red or pink coloring, pain, swelling, and blisters. The healing time of a second
degree burn is generally 3 to 4 weeks and scarring is usually minimal. The most common complication with a second degree burn is an infection and if this burn is left untreated it can develop into a third degree burn.

3. Third - Degree burns
   Third degree burns involve the outer layer of skin (Epidermis), the underlying layer of skin (Dermis), and the layer of fatty tissue beneath the skin (Hypodermis), meaning all layers of the skin are destroyed.
These burns take greater than 3 weeks to heal. Healing of these burns occurs from the hair follicles and scarring is common and blisters may develop. Destruction of the sweat glands  occurs so these burns are often dry. These burns may be white, red, or red/white. Third Degree burns usually result in a lot of damage, such as scarring, charring, and loss of hair,disfigurement, contractures and amputation.  so skin grafting may be necessary. The appearance of skin that has suffered a third degree burn is stiff and brown and will appear leathery in texture.

4. Fourth - degree burns
  Full thickness burns also classified as fourth degree burns involves destruction of the entire dermis, deep tissues and bone. It burn all the way to the skin, tissue, ligaments, bones, tendons and muscles. and result in charring and extreme damage to the hypodermis.
The complications associated with fourth degree burn include amputation, gangrene and death. These burns are painless and heal with heavy scarring and granulation hence skin grafting is mandatory. One potential complication of this type of injury is compartment syndrome due to excessive swelling. A fourth degree burn will cause little to no pain because the nerve endings are destroyed.

5. Fifth-degree burns
The fifth type of burn injury involves inhalation. Inhalation injuries are caused by breathing in hot air. The upper airways and mucous membranes are often damaged as a result of inhalation. The chances of death is increased when inhalation injuries are combined with external burns.