Saturday 9 July 2016


   Here are 10 natural remedies for whiter teeth that you may already have in your kitchen. They’re not as thoroughly effective as professional teeth whitening products, but they are cheap and natural.

1. Apples
   Apples requires a lot of chewing. It helps in scrubbing your teeth which means it will help fight stains and eventually help in teeth whitening. Apples crispiness strengthens gums, and their high water content increases saliva production, and saliva is extremely important for teeth whitening as it helps in stain removal.

2. Oranges and pineapples
   Oranges contains citrus, an acid that can wear away tooth enamel if ingested in large doses, making teeth whiter. While pineapple contain a compound called Bromelain which is present in many types of toothpaste which are known for stain removal. Bromelain also acts as a anti-inflammatory agent apart from working as a teeth whitening agent. Eating oranges and pineapples may cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which washes teeth clean naturally. DO NOT use lemons directly on
teeth, because too much acidity can damage teeth.

3. Strawberries
   They contain malic acid which acts as a natural astringent to remove
surface tooth discoloration. Mash up strawberries and rub them on your
teeth. Leave for five minutes then rinse with water and brush and floss as usual.

4. Cheese
   Cheese has minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, and protein that protect tooth enamel. It also contains lactic acid which is helpful in
preventing tooth decay. Plus, most cheeses are near colorless, meaning they won't stain your teeth.

5. Onions
   They are colorless and won't cause surface stains, but they are known for giving one bad breath. After eating them you're more likely to brush—which is a surefire way to get whiter teeth.

6. Yogurt And Milk
   Dairy products contain lactic acid, which may help protect teeth against decay. Protein in yogurt may bind to teeth and prevent them from attack by harmful acids that cause cavities.

7. Celery And Carrots
These healthy veggies act like natural stain removers by increasing saliva production because of their high water content, thereby serving as the mouth's self-cleaning agent. They also may kill bacteria that causes bad breath, and their crunch factor works to scrub teeth clean.

8. Raisins
   When you chew raisins saliva starts to generate which prevents plaque buildup, teeth stains and preventing cavities. All these effects lead to teeth whitening because raisins neutralizes the acidic environment created by other foods and bacteria in your mouth.

9. Seeds and nuts
  Chewing these hard foods rubs plaque and stains off the surface of teeth. They are also full of protein and healthy fats.

10. Water
   Drinking adequate amount of water keeps you hydrated and your smile bright. This also helps in maintaining saliva flow inside your mouth which eventually helps in avoiding plaque buildup.

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