Saturday 23 July 2016


   Eggs are packed with nutrients such as calcium, protein and minerals, lets not forget cheap too, and as such millions of people around the world consume eggs every day. But after consuming the eggs most people do not care about the value of the eggshells as the benefits of eggshells are usually understated, so they are always tossed away. Well, I've found some awesome ways to make sure that some of my eggshells serve double duty instead of going straight to the dumpster, and i am going to share them with you.
   Here are 10 great ways to make use of those eggshells that you often give a one-way ticket to the dumpster.

1. Make Your Coffee More Drinkable And Less Acidic
   Though it sounds weird and gross. The alkaline calcium carbonate content of the eggshells combats the acidity of the coffee, which helps reduce the bitter taste without adding any taste of the own. They also reduce the acidity of the coffee too. Add 1 teaspoon of crushed eggshells to your coffee grounds and brew your coffee the way you always do. As a bonus you can toss the used coffee grounds with the eggshell particles in your garden to nourish the soil.

2. Keep Your Garden Happy
   You’ve probably used agricultural lime to condition and nourish your soil. Eggshells nourish your plants with calcium and other minerals, as they are 97 percent calcium carbonate and contain traces of other minerals, such as phosphorous, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Although It's a common misconception that you can't put eggshells in compost piles because the shell is too hard, but that's not true, The shells will decompose quickly and naturally, and feed valuable nutrients such as calcium into the soil, it will also repel slugs and snails as the jagged edges of the crushed shells will irritate the skin of the insects and keep them away. Eggshells also prevent plants  from rotting too. Eggshells are cheap compared to fertilizers, why not consider using it for a try.

3. Keep Your Clothes from Greying
   If you add some eggshells and lemon slices to a laundry safe bag and then add it to your load of laundry, your clothes will hold their color better. The eggshells will maintain the color in your clothes by preventing the soap deposit responsible for turning clothes grey and dirty.

4. Make a Homemade Calcium Supplement
   Ninety percent of the content of the eggshells is calcium carbonate. Experts recommend using eggshells to prepare a calcium supplement for strengthening bones and preventing bone-associated disorders. The powder extracted from eggshells contains natural calcium and other elements like fluorine and strontium that strengthen human cartilage and bones, which also prevent and treat osteoporosis. Eggshell calcium also reduces and provide relief from the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It is an inexpensive alternative to purchasing supplements from the drug store.
  Boil the shells on high heat to thoroughly cleanse them of bacteria and other unwanted substances. Boil for about ten minutes, remove the pot from the heat, strain the water out and set your eggshells aside. Dry them in a microwave for a few minutes or an oven at 200 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes.  Crush the eggshells with your hands and then grind them in a coffee grinder or food processor for a couple of minutes. Your calcium supplement is now ready. Drink 1 teaspoon daily (Taking more than a teaspoon per day may irritate some people’s stomachs). You can mix it in with half a glass of water or fresh fruit juice.

5. Make Homemade Chalk
   Making homemade chalk is incredibly easy. Just mix a teaspoon of flour with a teaspoon of hot water,add a tablespoon of crushed eggshells and some food coloring. Shape or mold the chalk, let it dry for a few days.

6. Remove Tea and Coffee Stains from Mugs
   We all have old cups and mugs that have become stained inside from holding caffeinated drinks over a prolonged period. Rather than throwing out that mug, you can use eggshells to take off those hideous stains. Fill the stained mug with warm water and throw in the boiled eggshell powder. Let the mixture sit in the mug overnight. The stains will be lightened or vanished completely.

7. Treat Irritated Skin
   You may probably think that rubbing eggshells on your skin would irritate the skin, not heal it, because they are sharp. Eggshells are high in calcium, and calcium is a  remedy for skin problems such as acne and rashes. So treatment made of eggshells and vinegar can help treat inflamed skin. Simply leave some crushed eggshells in a bowl with vinegar until the shells dissolve. It usually take a day or two, and then rub it on your skin.

8. Make a Scouring Pad
   Whenever you run out of scouring pad do not fret as eggshells also doubles as a scouring pad. Simply crush up some eggshells and drizzle soapy water on them. Then add the shells and soap to a sponge or dish towel, and scrub your pots and pans clean of any pesky food bits.

9. Make Remineralizing Toothpaste
   Our enamel is composed of minerals that protects your teeth from weakness and decay. Sugary and caffeinated beverages or junk foods too often can cause the bacteria in our mouth to react with the sugar to generate acid, which gradually wears off the enamel and all the essential
minerals with it. A solution made of chicken eggshell powder is able to remineralize the enamel of people who had suffered teeth lesions. Eggshells toothpaste helps strengthen your teeth and refurbish it with minerals. Overtime, it sufficiently remineralizes your teeth. Simply mix boiled eggshells powder in a small bowl, add 1 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 10 drops of peppermint essential oil (optional). Store it in a small jar and use it every morning as you would regular toothpaste to brush your teeth.

10. Prank Your Friends
   For a hilarious moment, you can bake a cake inside a mostly whole eggshell. All you need to do is cut a small hole in an egg, empty out the contents, fill it with cake dough, and bake it. it.The eggshell cakes will look and feel just like hard-boiled eggs from the outside.

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