Saturday 1 October 2016


  Our relationships are often taken for granted. We always look for shortcuts, and these shortcuts lead to a lazy, unintentional relationship that merely exists, instead of thrives. Couples who have strong bonds tends to remain interested in each other and have a thriving relationship. Communication cements the bond in every relationship, it is a strong foundation of love and trust. Couples are often curious about each other’s experiences and inner lives, such as their feelings, thoughts and fears. A great way to bond is to talk about these inner worlds. Maybe you’ve been dating or married for several year, Here are some guidelines – and some specific topics to discuss with your significant other to make you become your partner’s ultimate partner.

1. How Was Your Day Today?
   This is a simple and straightforward question that allows couples to share specifics and stay connected on a day-to-day basis.

2. Is There Anything I Can Do Or Say That Will Make You Feel More Comfortable Or Loved?
   This question allows the asking partner to tailor their help to what is needed by the other person.

3. How Can I Better Support You In Your Life?
   Sometimes this question does not involve financial support. It maybe as simple as a morning kiss or preparing dinner for a week. But whatever favour they may ask of you, you aren’t  obligated to comply.

4. What Would You Do In Life If Money Weren’t An Issue?
   This helps couples connect around long-term dreams, wishes and plans.

5. What’s One Thing You Always Procrastinate On?
   This question help couples to see how grounded, efficient and goal-oriented their partner is. People who procrastinate on practical, day-to-day tasks are less goal-oriented.

6. Are Children A Possibility?
   Having a child is a fulfilling endeavor, it’s also very expensive. It also means some significant lifestyle changes, too. This question is a deep emotional decision and also a financial one. So Make sure you’re on the same page when it comes to having children.

7. How Do I Express My Anger And Conflict?
   Managing conflict effectively is the most determining factor for a healthy, lasting relationship. Managing conflict effectively includes willingness to discuss issues, tolerating differences listening without interruption and strategizing solutions.

8. What Would You Change About Yourself?
   This question is an opportunity for partners to be empathic and compassionate with each other. It gives you a window into something your partner feels insecure about.

9. Is There Any Kind Of Physical Touch That I Can Engage In That Helps You To Feel Loved?
   This question refers to non-sexual touch. Don't just assume, ask your partner and get clear on what would make them feel more loved. It might be holding hands or even playing with their hair. Try and incorporate the kind of physical intimacy they want into your daily schedule to the best of your ability.

10. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
   Even the manliest men go soft sometimes. This will make him feel safe sharing more personal issues with you. But make sure not to make fun of him or think he’s less of a man.

11. What Are The Main Stressors Currently In Your Life. 
   This question helps to get into your partner’s mind and make you know what they are currently struggling with. Offer to help, even if only in a small amount, as it's surefire way to increase the feelings of depth and connectedness in your relationship.

12. Do You Need More Closeness Or More Alone Time Over The Next Couple Of Days?
   We all have emotional needs that fluctuate in our ever-changing lives. Needing an alone time does not mean that your partner love you any less, nor does a greater need for intimacy mean that they are needy. Our individual needs for independence and intimacy vary greatly from day to day, depending on career or other factors of life.

13. How Do You Feel About Our Sex Life Lately?
   Sex is one of the cause of most breakups today. Ask your partner if there’s anything they would like you to do more of or less of. Ask them about their level of satisfaction with your recent sex life. Or even different sex acts than you’ve been having. But it's much easier to ask this question in longer relationships.

14. Where Do You See Us Being In Five Years Or Ten Years Time?
   The reason for discussing this is so that you have some idea what the
dreams and the goals look like for each other. This question will help you lay everything out, and help you figure out if you should should share money or maintain separate accounts and give you an insight on how your financial situation might look like.

15. What Would You Do With Your Life If You Were Suddenly Awarded A Billion Dollars?
   This question shows what your partner values in life and what their deepest desires are.

16. What Is Your Greatest Fear?
   This question will help you to figure out what your partner really wants to do in life, and what’s holding him back from getting there.

17. What Is The One Thing That Makes You Feel Alive?
   Everyone has a mission, and men in particular need to feel like they are achieving their mission in life. This question will give you insight into what his mission is, which will tell you a lot about who he really is.

18. Does Spending Time With Other People Energize You Or Drain You?
   This question will tell you if he’s an introvert or extrovert.

19. Is There Anything You Consider Absolutely Unforgivable?
   Some people can forgive anything, others are pretty tough while some may have a low threshold for certain behaviors, and this mostly depend on their life experiences.

20.  If You Could Have Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?
   This  question reveals your partner’s fantasies and even their personal character.

21. Are There Any Known Burdens That Will Likely Crop Up In  The Future?
   This question provide the basis for some deeply insightful conversation.  Do one of you have a major illness that may start showing symptoms or does one of you have an ailing parent that may need special care?

22. Do You Usually Follow Your Head Or Your Heart When Making Decisions?
    Most people have a primary mode of making decisions, either they go by how they feel or they go by logic. This question will reveal if he’s a thinker or a feeler.

23. What Is One Behavior That You Never Tolerate?
   Guys in particular can get very turned off  by certain behaviors that they find completely unattractive. This question can help you know his deal breakers (hopefully) before you commit any of them!

24. What Are You Looking Forward To Today?
   This question helps you tune in to what your partner enjoys. It also balances out the more serious and potentially negative topics.

25. Am I Beng A Good Spouse To You?
    Although these topics are not important and are usually overlooked conversations, but they can help build up a relationship to a point that no topic will be off limits between a couple. And from that connection a strong foundation of love, trust and perhaps an incredibly strong marriage can come forth. I hope this article helps shed years of emotional baggage and make you feel loved and cared for.

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