Saturday 1 October 2016


  Aside the fact that exercise helps burn off your stomach fat and build muscle, studies have shown that regardless of age or fitness level, making time for exercise provides some serious physical and mental benefits. These days most people workout for different reasons and you don’t have to necessarily go to a gym. You can go jogging or perform some cardiovascular exercises in the comfort of your room. Get inspired to exercise by reading these 15 ways regular exercise can benefit you.

1. Controls weight
   Exercise help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. Exercise helps to burn calories, and the more intense the exercise, the more calories you burn. Exercise also motivate you to improve your diet and intake of proper nutrition.

2. Improves Your Skin
  Exercises enhances the blood flow to the skin. Sweating can unclog pores and help clear up the breakouts detoxifying the skin of oils and dirt. Sweating after every workout gives the skin an overall tone and increases it's appearance.

3. Improve Self-Confidence
   Being out of shape can make an individual lose their self worth and self-esteem. Exercise can quickly elevate a individual perception of his or her attractiveness, and give their self-image and self-confidence a boost. When you start working out, you'll gain muscle tone, strength, stamina and you'll feel better emotionally, you may also feel better about your appearance and yourself. This boost self-esteem and improve positive self-image.

4. Reduce Stress
   Stress relief is one of the most common mental benefits of exercise.Working out can help manage physical and mental stress by diminishing electrical activity in tense muscles which makes you less jittery. Exercise increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress. Exercise reduces stress and boost the body’s ability to deal with mental tension. Physical activity also provides you with the motivation to improve your diet, and proper nutrition reduces stress.

5. Improves Mood
  Physical activity releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise can alleviate symptoms among the clinically depressed. A simple 30 minutes workout a few times a week can instantly boost overall mood and make you feel happier and more relaxed.

6.  Boost Brainpower
  People who workout on a regular basis have an improved overall brain performance and concentration than their sedentary counterparts. Aerobic exercises stimulates the middle-frontal and superior parietal regions of the brain, which are associated with attention. Studies also show that a tough workout increases levels of a brain - derived protein in the body, believed to help with decision making, higher thinking, and learning.

7. Boosts energy
   People who engage in exercise regularly have more energy, strength and endurance to get through their daily activities. Exercise help the cardiovascular system work more efficiently and delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. When the heart and lungs work more efficiently, then have more energy to go about your chores. You will likely notice this feeling of increased energy and vitality a few weeks after you start to exercise on a regular basis.

8. Sharpen Memory
  Working out can boost memory and ability to learn new things. Exercise increases production of cells in hippocampus which is responsible for memory and learning.

9. Helps You Sleep Better
   Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep more easily and deepen your sleep. Studies have shown that moderate to vigorous 20- to 30-minute exercise 3 to 4 times a week help you sleep better. Exercise also improves the quality of your sleep by making the transitions between its cycles regular and smoother. However, don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you may find yourself too energized to fall asleep.

10. Slows The Aging Process And Reduces The Risk Of Many Diseases
   Working out improves  muscle tone, increases flexibility and reduces the risk of many age-related and potentially deadly diseases, such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, arthritis and stroke.

11. Prevent Cognitive Decline
    Our brains get a little hazy as we get older. This create way for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer that kill off brain cells. Working out between age 25 and 45, boosts  chemicals in the brain that prevent the degeneration of an important part of the brain for memory and learning ( The Hippocampus ). Exercise helps shore up the brain against cognitive
decline that begins after age 45.

12. Exercise Can Be Fun
   Exercise and physical activity  gives you a chance to unwind and enjoy the outdoors. Exercise also help you connect with family or friends in a fun social setting. It gives you the opportunity to engage in activities you love.

13. Boost Your Immune System
   Exercise is a powerful natural immune cell stimulator in teenage and adult men. The functioning of the immune system progressively declines with age, and this can lead to an increased risk of infectious diseases and a reduced response to vaccination. However, moderate cardio exercises such as walking or cycling and jogging can reduce the immune system function decline in older adults.

14. Improves Sexual Performance And Restores Libido
   Regular physical exercise can leave you feeling energized and improve your appearance, which may have a positive effect on your sex life. It also increases sexual drive, activity and satisfaction. Exercise jump-starts the sympathetic nervous system, which increases blood flow to the genital area. Regular exercise increase physical endurance, can lead to enhanced arousal for women and significantly lower the risk of erectile dysfunction. Short bouts of intense exercise can increase testosterone levels, which  stimulate sexual desire. However, too much exercise can reduce other male hormone levels and  testosterone which can lead to a decrease in libido.

15.  Inspire Others
   Studies show that most people perform better on aerobic tests when paired up with a workout buddy. Being part of a team raise athletes tolerance for pain and inspire each other to push harder during every workout session.


   Nigerians are vulnerable to some diseases. No matter how careful we are, even with great hygiene habits we can’t always escape the increasing number of illness lurking in our daily lives in Nigeria. The common diseases in Nigeria are malaria, cold, hypertension, diarrhea and cholera, pelvic Inflammatory disease and HIV/AIDS. These diseases have claimed many lives in the past. They are highlighted in this article along with how to prevent yourself from infected.

   Malaria is the ultimate killer of all times with millions of deaths in its portfolio. It is a major health problem mostly in Africa where thirty countries in Sub-Saharan Africa account for 90% of global malaria deaths.
We are all exposed to mosquito bites in Nigeria, so Nigeria is a malaria endemic environment. It is estimated that up to 100 million cases of malaria resulting in over 300,000 deaths in Nigeria ever year. People even attribute any form of illness to malaria even if it is not. This disease is caused by plasmodium species whose vector is the anopheles mosquito, and it's usually transmitted by mosquito bites. Symptoms usually arise two weeks after been bitten. Symptoms generally start off as a general feeling of un-wellness (malaise) which progresses into fever and headache, with symptoms including high temperature, bitter taste, loss of appetite, fatigue and body pain. Symptoms can get worse if not treated well, which in severe cases can lead to coma or death. Malaria in pregnant women results in miscarriages, still births, etc. Mosquitoes are always found in swamps, stagnant dirty water and gutters around the house. Malaria can be prevented by eradicating mosquitoes or preventing bites.

Preventive Measures:
- Keep a clean environment by washing drainages, sewages and gutters.
- Grasses around the houses should be cut.
- Clear swamps around your house.
- Spray your house and rooms with a good insecticide twice weekly.
- Window nets are helpful in preventing mosquitoes bites.
- Mosquitoes are attracted by sweat, so night bath is necessary to
prevent bites.
- Sleep under a treated mosquito net.
- See a physician once you notice symptoms of headache, fever, joints
pain, and fatigue.

   Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure which later leads to
the paralysis of one or both sides of the body, known as stroke. Hypertension affects men, women, old and young. Hypertension occurs when the blood pressures in the arteries are increased and this requires the heart to work harder than normal for the circulation of blood through the vessels. The heart contracts (systolic) and the cardiovascular muscle relaxes (diastolic). A person is said to have high blood pressure or hypertension when the pressure is 140/90mmHg and above. It is a major risk factor for stroke, heart failure and chronic kidney disease. It is common among those who just lost a loved one or those experiencing emotional trauma, people with stressful life situations, job loss or failure in career.

Preventive Measures :
- Maintain normal body weight for adults and watching of body weight.
- We should always check our blood pressure (BP) in hospitals or pharmacy .
- Engage in regular exercise.
- Avoid stressful activities.
- Reduce  salt intake,
- Reduce alcohol intake.
- Adequate sleep and rest,
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

   Common cold is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, which affects the nose causing sneezing, cough, sore throat, watery eyes,  headache, voice loss and runny nose. it is also known as acute coryza or nasopharyngitis. It is caused by exposure to cold, dust, eating with dirty hands or eating contaminated foods. It is usually self-resolving after about seven to ten days.

Preventive Measures:
- Washing of the hands.
- Covering of the nose when sneezing and turning away from people when they sneeze.
- Avoiding dusty areas or covering the nose with masks in dusty areas.
- Reducing contact with anyone with symptoms of cold.
- Not exposing the body parts, especially, the chest in cold weather.

   Diarrhoea and cholera are very common water and food- borne disease that are carried by house flies that came in contact with infested stools and vomits. They are communicable and can claims lives within few days if care is not taken. It is the second most common cause of deaths in children less than 1-year-old worldwide. According to the UNESCO statistics, diarrhea death rate in Nigeria is 18.8% and it accounts for about 150,000 deaths among children under 5 years. Diarrhoea symptoms include loose, watery and frequent stools abdominal cramps and sometimes vomiting. Diarrhoea is not as serious cholera. Cholera symptoms are passing out watery or blood stained stools, vomiting, loss of body weight, fatigue, dehydration and somach ache.

Preventive Measures:
- Washing of hands before eating and after using the toilet.
- Avoid consumption of uncovered foods such as fruits.
- Cook food properly.
- Drink clean water.
- Washing and cleaning of toilet and covering of pit latrines.
- Avoid eating foods sold by food vendors.
- Government should provide drinking water and good sanitation body.

   Pelvic Inflammatory disease is caused by fungal, bacteria or parasites. It is usually spread through sexual intercourse, post abortal sepsis and intrauterine device insertion.  It is the inflammation of the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries. If left untreated it could lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Preventive Measures:
- Periodic pelvic examination and STI's testing.
- Abstinence from sex.
- Good personal hygiene.
- Use of condoms or diaphragm during sexual intercourse.
- Avoid vaginal douching.
- Treat partners to prevent reinfection or spread to other people.

   Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) advances to Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It is an infectious disease sexually transmitted disease that lead to a progressive decline and failure of the human immune system and is accompanied by many diseases and infections.
Symptoms include high temperature, fever, weight loss,  body blisters, cough, diarrhoea, fatigue, difficulty in breathing etc. HIV is usually transmitted through contact with an infected person blood or mucous by unprotected sexual activities and sharing sharp objects like razors, needles, hair clippers,  injections, circumcisions and piercing equipments.

Preventive Measures:
- Proper use of condom during sexual intercourse.
- Sharp objects should not be shared.
- Used injections, circumcisions blades, piercing equipments should be disposed off.
- Proper circumcision of male children.
- Rape victims should check in for medical attention and test do know their HIV status.


   Research continues to confirm that you can control your health, by following a few simple strategies, that can help reduce the risk of cancer. Although, there's no guarantee that healthy and good habits make you immune to cancer, but as the old saying "prevention is better than cure" goes, these simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference and reduce the risk. So here is a lists of 10 things that can help lower the risk of cancer. Here goes:

1. Maintain A Healthy Weight
   Many people probably know that being overweight isn’t good for the heart, but did they know that it is a major risk factor for cancer as well? Excess of weight gain or too much fat around the waist (abdominal obesity) is linked to higher chance of developing cancer of the breast, prostate, lungs, endometrium and colon. The excess fat in these areas increases the chances of developing a tumor. Too much fat also increases the risk for high blood pressure and diabetes. Weight gain during menopause can also cause cancer. For cancer risk reduction it is important to stay as lean as possible within a healthy weight range. If you are overweight, focus on losing weight and not gaining any more weight as this can help improve your health.

2. Eat A Healthy Diet
   There are a number of different foods that may help to prevent certain types of cancer. Although it can't guarantee cancer prevention, it might help reduce the risk. For example, watermelon, and other foods containing lycopene have evidence showing that they probably reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Try These Tips:
- Choose a diet high in whole-grain fiber, beans and lean proteins.
- Make colourful fruits and vegetables a part of every meal. Eat vegetables as a snack and put fruit on your cereal.
- Eat lighter and leaner by choosing fewer high-calorie foods.
- Keep red meat and processed meat to a minimum. Instead choose fish and chicken.
- Choose brown rice and whole-wheat bread over their more refined counterparts.
- Cut back on bad fats (saturated and trans fats) and choose healthy fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats) instead.
- Choose dishes made with olive or canola oil  over butter.
- Cut back on fast food and store snacks which are high in bad fats.
- Take multivitamin  that contains folate daily.

3. Exercise Regularly
   It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do. Any form of physical activity help to prevent many forms of cancer. Adults who get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five times a week, have a lower risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. They also gain some health benefits like weight loss.
Try These Tips:
- Choose activities you enjoy.
- Include at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine.
- Make exercise a habit by setting aside the same time for it each day.
- Get an exercise partner to stay motivated.
- Walk with your kids to school in the morning.
- Strive to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity
or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic physical activity.
- Try taking a walk regularly after dinner.

4. Don’t Smoke And Avoid Tobacco
   Smoking has also been linked to more than a dozen other cancers and its the cause for 30% of all cancer deaths overall. It damages the entire circulatory system and increases your risk for heart disease, it hardened arteries and blood clots. Smoking has been linked to various types of cancer such as cancer of the throat, lung, mouth, cervix, larynx, pancreas, bladder and kidney. For nonsmokers even passive smoking is a huge risk factor for cancer and should be avoided, as 3,000 cases of lung cancer each year occur as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke. Also chewing tobacco has been linked to cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas. Quitting smoking and tobacco is the best thing you can do for your health.
Try These Tips:
- Ask your doctor about stop-smoking products and other strategies for quitting.
- It often takes six or seven tries before you quit for good, therefore,  Keep trying!
- Don’t smoke in the house or car.
- Try to quit as soon as possible.

5. Protect Yourself From The Sun
    It is sensible to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays as excess exposure to the sun is directly linked to certain types of skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common and preventable kinds of cancer. Skin damage starts early in childhood, so it’s especially important to protect children.
Try These Tips
- Stay out of direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m (peak burning hours) when the sun's rays are strongest.
- Wear protective clothes (Like hats and long-sleeve shirts) and sunglasses.
- Stay in the shade when you're outdoors.
- Use generous amounts of sunscreen when you're outdoors.
- Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps.
- Opt for bright or dark colors, which reflect more ultraviolet rays than  bleached cotton.
   By restricting sun exposure the risk of skin cancer can be reduced greatly.

6. Drink Alcohol Only In Moderation
   When it comes to health, alcohol wields a double-edged sword. Moderate drinking is good for the heart, as there is plenty of evidence to suggest that light alcohol intake, especially red wine,may be beneficial for heart health, but it can also increase the risk of cancer. The risk of various types of cancer like those of the mouth, throat, and esophagus increases with the amount of alcohol consumption and the length of time you've been drinking regularly.
Try These Tips:
- Avoid occasions centered around alcohol.
- Choose nonalcoholic beverages.
- Talk to a health-care professional if you feel you have a problem with alcohol.

7. Shake Off Stress.
   Although stress by itself is not an independent risk factor for cancer. But it can lead people to engage in unhealthy behavior like drinking,
smoking or overeating in an effort to cope with stress. These behaviors can increase the risk of cancer. Find other healthy ways of coping with stress, like exercise instead.

8.  Protect Yourself From Sexually Transmitted Infections
   You can get certain cancers from unprotected and unsafe sexual activities. Limit your number of sexual partners, and use a condom when you have sex. There is an increased rate of cancer of the cervix in women who have multiple sexual partner. Having multiple sexual partners also exposes you to infections like HIV and Hepatitis C, which can cause other cancers, as people with HIV or AIDS have a higher risk of cancer of the liver, anus and lung. HPV might also increase the risk of cancer of the penis, anus, throat, vulva and vagina among other problems. Protecting yourself from these infections can lower your risk.
Try These Tips :
- Always be prepared.
- Always use a condom and follow other safe-sex practices.
- Bever rely on your partner to have a condom.
- Aside from not having sex, try to be in a committed, monogamous relationship with someone who does not have a sexually transmitted infection.
- Vaccinate girls and boys against HPV.

9. Get Vaccinated
   Certain cancer prevention includes protection from certain viral infections. For example Hepatitis B Vaccination has reduced the incidence of chronic liver disease and cancers. This vaccine is recommended for high risk individuals, such as men who have sex with men, people who are sexually active but not in a mutually monogamous relationship, intravenous drug users or those with a sexually transmitted infection. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) virus can lead to cervical cancer and head and neck cancers in males. Do visit a doctor for advice on vaccination.

10. Go For Regular Health Check-ups
   There are a number of important screening tests that can help protect against cancer and detect cancer early. These test find cancer when
treatment is most likely to be successful. While others can actually help keep cancer from developing in the first place. Yearly pap smear testing   and  mammogram have reduced mortality rate due to cancer of cervix and breast in women.
Cancers that should be tested for regularly are:
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Colon  cancer
Lung cancer
Ask your doctor about the best cancer screening schedule for you.



  Our relationships are often taken for granted. We always look for shortcuts, and these shortcuts lead to a lazy, unintentional relationship that merely exists, instead of thrives. Couples who have strong bonds tends to remain interested in each other and have a thriving relationship. Communication cements the bond in every relationship, it is a strong foundation of love and trust. Couples are often curious about each other’s experiences and inner lives, such as their feelings, thoughts and fears. A great way to bond is to talk about these inner worlds. Maybe you’ve been dating or married for several year, Here are some guidelines – and some specific topics to discuss with your significant other to make you become your partner’s ultimate partner.

1. How Was Your Day Today?
   This is a simple and straightforward question that allows couples to share specifics and stay connected on a day-to-day basis.

2. Is There Anything I Can Do Or Say That Will Make You Feel More Comfortable Or Loved?
   This question allows the asking partner to tailor their help to what is needed by the other person.

3. How Can I Better Support You In Your Life?
   Sometimes this question does not involve financial support. It maybe as simple as a morning kiss or preparing dinner for a week. But whatever favour they may ask of you, you aren’t  obligated to comply.

4. What Would You Do In Life If Money Weren’t An Issue?
   This helps couples connect around long-term dreams, wishes and plans.

5. What’s One Thing You Always Procrastinate On?
   This question help couples to see how grounded, efficient and goal-oriented their partner is. People who procrastinate on practical, day-to-day tasks are less goal-oriented.

6. Are Children A Possibility?
   Having a child is a fulfilling endeavor, it’s also very expensive. It also means some significant lifestyle changes, too. This question is a deep emotional decision and also a financial one. So Make sure you’re on the same page when it comes to having children.

7. How Do I Express My Anger And Conflict?
   Managing conflict effectively is the most determining factor for a healthy, lasting relationship. Managing conflict effectively includes willingness to discuss issues, tolerating differences listening without interruption and strategizing solutions.

8. What Would You Change About Yourself?
   This question is an opportunity for partners to be empathic and compassionate with each other. It gives you a window into something your partner feels insecure about.

9. Is There Any Kind Of Physical Touch That I Can Engage In That Helps You To Feel Loved?
   This question refers to non-sexual touch. Don't just assume, ask your partner and get clear on what would make them feel more loved. It might be holding hands or even playing with their hair. Try and incorporate the kind of physical intimacy they want into your daily schedule to the best of your ability.

10. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
   Even the manliest men go soft sometimes. This will make him feel safe sharing more personal issues with you. But make sure not to make fun of him or think he’s less of a man.

11. What Are The Main Stressors Currently In Your Life. 
   This question helps to get into your partner’s mind and make you know what they are currently struggling with. Offer to help, even if only in a small amount, as it's surefire way to increase the feelings of depth and connectedness in your relationship.

12. Do You Need More Closeness Or More Alone Time Over The Next Couple Of Days?
   We all have emotional needs that fluctuate in our ever-changing lives. Needing an alone time does not mean that your partner love you any less, nor does a greater need for intimacy mean that they are needy. Our individual needs for independence and intimacy vary greatly from day to day, depending on career or other factors of life.

13. How Do You Feel About Our Sex Life Lately?
   Sex is one of the cause of most breakups today. Ask your partner if there’s anything they would like you to do more of or less of. Ask them about their level of satisfaction with your recent sex life. Or even different sex acts than you’ve been having. But it's much easier to ask this question in longer relationships.

14. Where Do You See Us Being In Five Years Or Ten Years Time?
   The reason for discussing this is so that you have some idea what the
dreams and the goals look like for each other. This question will help you lay everything out, and help you figure out if you should should share money or maintain separate accounts and give you an insight on how your financial situation might look like.

15. What Would You Do With Your Life If You Were Suddenly Awarded A Billion Dollars?
   This question shows what your partner values in life and what their deepest desires are.

16. What Is Your Greatest Fear?
   This question will help you to figure out what your partner really wants to do in life, and what’s holding him back from getting there.

17. What Is The One Thing That Makes You Feel Alive?
   Everyone has a mission, and men in particular need to feel like they are achieving their mission in life. This question will give you insight into what his mission is, which will tell you a lot about who he really is.

18. Does Spending Time With Other People Energize You Or Drain You?
   This question will tell you if he’s an introvert or extrovert.

19. Is There Anything You Consider Absolutely Unforgivable?
   Some people can forgive anything, others are pretty tough while some may have a low threshold for certain behaviors, and this mostly depend on their life experiences.

20.  If You Could Have Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?
   This  question reveals your partner’s fantasies and even their personal character.

21. Are There Any Known Burdens That Will Likely Crop Up In  The Future?
   This question provide the basis for some deeply insightful conversation.  Do one of you have a major illness that may start showing symptoms or does one of you have an ailing parent that may need special care?

22. Do You Usually Follow Your Head Or Your Heart When Making Decisions?
    Most people have a primary mode of making decisions, either they go by how they feel or they go by logic. This question will reveal if he’s a thinker or a feeler.

23. What Is One Behavior That You Never Tolerate?
   Guys in particular can get very turned off  by certain behaviors that they find completely unattractive. This question can help you know his deal breakers (hopefully) before you commit any of them!

24. What Are You Looking Forward To Today?
   This question helps you tune in to what your partner enjoys. It also balances out the more serious and potentially negative topics.

25. Am I Beng A Good Spouse To You?
    Although these topics are not important and are usually overlooked conversations, but they can help build up a relationship to a point that no topic will be off limits between a couple. And from that connection a strong foundation of love, trust and perhaps an incredibly strong marriage can come forth. I hope this article helps shed years of emotional baggage and make you feel loved and cared for.


   Asthma is a common lung condition that affects the airways and causes occasional difficulties in breathing. The airways are tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways become narrow, sore and swollen, and this makes breathing difficult and also triggers coughing and shortness of breath.
   Asthma affects people of all ages and often starts in childhood. It is a long-term condition for many people,particularly if it first develops in adulthood. For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance, for others, it can
be a major problem and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.  People who suffer from long-lasting or recurrent asthma attack are said to be asthmatic.
   There's currently no cure for asthma, However, with good treatment and management its symptoms can be controlled, and most people will have normal and active lives, although some people with more severe asthma may have persistent problems. Since asthma often changes over time, it is important that you work with your doctor to track your symptoms and adjust treatment as needed.

   Asthma is caused by inflammation  of the  tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. This swelling or inflammation makes the airways highly sensitive to irritations and increases the susceptibility to an allergic reaction. The tubes may also sometimes become clogged with sticky mucus.
   Asthma is due to a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors. Exposure to various irritants and substances that trigger allergies  can trigger symptoms of asthma. Common asthma triggers include:
- Allergens such as ragweed, dust mites, animal fur, mold, spores, pollens or particles of cockroach waste.
- Irritants in the air such as cigarette smoke, chemical fumes , gases or strong odors.
- Physical activity.
- Respiratory infections, such as the common cold or flu.
- Extreme weather conditions.
- Certain medications such as aspirin and beta blockers.
- Display of strong emotion that affects normal breathing patterns such as shouting, crying or laughing.
- Stress.

   Asthma symptoms can appear at any time. Mild episodes may last only a few minutes and may be resolved  with medication. More severe episodes can last from hours to days. Asthmatics usually experience these symptoms most frequently during the night and the early morning. Any asthma symptom is serious and can become deadly if left untreated. The most common symptoms of asthma are:
- Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath.
- Coughing especially at night, during exercise or when laughing.
- Wheezing (a hissing sound while breathing).
- Chest tightness, which may feel like a band is tightening around it.
- Frequent colds that settle in the chest.
- Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing.

   When asthma symptoms or signs become worse than usual, it's called
an asthma attack. They can come on suddenly and can be mild, moderate or severe. Severe asthma attacks may require emergency care, and they can be fatal.

1. Adult- Onset Asthma: Adult-onset asthma is when a person develops asthma after reaching 20 years of age. It affects women more than
men, and can also be triggered by some allergic material or an allergy.

2. Child - Onset Asthma: This asthma begins during childhood. It usually occurs because a child becomes sensitized to common allergens in the environment  most likely due to genetic reasons.

3. Exercise - Induced Asthma: As the name implies,  it occurs during or after physical exercise. As with other types of asthma, a person with exercise-induced asthma will experience difficulty in getting air to and from the lungs because of inflammation of the airways tubes  and extra mucus. However,  with proper treatment, a person who suffers from exercise-induced asthma does not have to limit his/her athletic goals.

4. Occupational Asthma: This type of asthma is triggered by something in the patient's place of work. Allergens and factors such as chemicals, pollen, gases, smoke, humidity and temperature,molds, dust, or other particles can trigger asthma. Stress can also trigger asthma.

5. Nocturnal Asthma:  This asthma occurs between midnight and 8 AM. It is
triggered by allergens in the home such as dust or by sinus conditions.

6. Cough - Induced Asthma: In this case the coughing occurs alone, without other asthma symptoms being present. The coughing can happen at any time of day or night. It is one of the most difficult asthmas to diagnose.

   Factors that may increase your chances of developing asthma include:
- Having a blood relative (such as a parent or sibling) with asthma.
- Exposure to occupational triggers such as chemicals fumes, gases or dust. - Having another allergic condition.
- Smoking.
- Being overweight.
- Exposure to airborne substances, such as pollen, mold spores, cockroach waste or pets dander.
- Exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution.

   Although asthma can normally be kept under control, it can cause a number of complications. Asthma complications include:
- Lung infections (pneumonia).
- Persistent tiredness.
- Permanent narrowing of the  airway tubes that affects how well you can breathe.
- Absence from work or school during asthma flare-ups.
- Psychological problems such as stress, anxiety and depression.
- Delays in growth or puberty in children.
- Side effects from long-term use of some medications used to stabilize severe asthma.

   While there's currently no cure for asthma, there are a number of treatments that can help control the condition. However, the right medications for an individual depend on a number of factors like, age, symptoms, asthma triggers and what works best to keep your asthma under control.
  Asthma is treated with two kinds of medicines:
1. Quick-relief (rescue) medications to stop asthma symptoms and for rapid short-term symptom relief during an asthma attack or before exercise if your recommended by a doctor. Types of quick- relief medications include:
- A quick-relief inhaler
- Ipratropium (Atrovent).
- Oral and intravenous corticosteroids
- Short-acting beta agonists.
2. Long-term control medications to prevent symptoms. They help reduce the inflammation in the airways that leads to symptoms. Long -term asthma control medications, are the cornerstone of asthma treatment. They are taken daily. Types of long-term control medications include:
- Inhaled corticosteroids.
- Leukotriene modifiers.
- Theophylline.
- Combination inhalers.
- Long-acting beta agonists.