Saturday 18 June 2016


  The Cervix is the narrow lower portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina. The cervix connects the body of the uterus to the vagina (birth canal). The part of the cervix closest to the body of the uterus is called the
endocervix which is made up of cell called columnar or grandular cells. While the part extending into the vagina is the ectocervix which is a healthy pink color and is covered with flat, thin cells called squamous cells. The area where these cells meet is called the “Transformation Zone”  the exact location of the transformation zone changes as you age and if you give birth. The transformation zone is the most likely location for abnormal or precancerous cells to develop.
   Most cervical cancers are squamous cell cancers. Adenocarcinoma cell cancer develops from the glands that produce mucus in the endocervix. It is the second most common type of cervical cancer
   Cervical cancer tends to occur during midlife and it is the second most
common type of cancer for women worldwide but because it develops over time, it’s now considered the easiest female cancer to prevent.

   Human papillomavirus (HPV) which is a common sexually transmitted infection causes almost about 99% of cervical cancer. HPV is transmitted
when the skin or mucous membranes of an infected person makes physical contact with the skin or mucous membrane of a person who isn’t infected.
In most cases, the infection does not cause symptoms, only a few strains of the virus produce visible symptoms which makes it easy to unknowingly transfer it to another person, which may cause cervical cancer or abnormal growth of cervical cells.
   There are over 100 different types of HPV, most of which are considered low-risk and do not cause cervical cancer. However, certain strains of the virus termed High-risk HPV types which are HPV-16 and HPV-18 can infect cells and cause problems such as genital warts or cancer.
   HPV  For most women (About 90%) the HPV infection does not last long and the infections resolve on their own within 2 years. While a small number have persistent infection and they are at greater risk of developing cervical cell abnormalities and cancer than a woman whose
infection resolves on its own.

Risk factors for cervical cancer include:
-High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
-Long term oral use of birth control pills
-Having many sexual partners
-Having a weakened immune system
-Mother’s use of diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy
-And engaging in early sexual contact.

Risk factors for HPV include:
-A high number of sexual partners
-First sexual intercourse at a young age
-A weakened immune system

   In it's early stages cervical cancer typically does not cause symptoms. They occur when the precancerous cells are left untreated and progress to invasive cervical cancer. But when symptoms do occur, they are:

1. Abnormal Vaginal bleeding
   The bleeding may occur between menstrual periods or heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding after douching, after a pelvic exam or after sexual intercourse. These bleeding often gets dismissed as spotting.

2. Bleeding after going through menopause
   Vaginal bleeding can also occur in postmenopausal women who no longer have menstrual periods which is not normal.

3. Increased vaginal discharge
   The discharge may be:
-Foul smelling
-Tinged with blood

4. Pains during sex

5. Pelvic pain not related to your menstrual cycle

  As cancer develops, it can cause more severe symptoms, which may include:
-Frequency of urine
-Pain during urination
-Blood in the urine
-Rectal bleeding
-Lower limb lymphoedema.
-Difficulty defecating
-Weight loss
   These symptoms could also be signs of other health problems, not related to cervical cancer. Notify your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms.


1. SCREENING: People rarely have symptoms of cervical cancer in its early stages, and it rarely affects women under age 20, Half of the women diagnosed with the disease are between 35 and 55 years of age. For this reason, it is important for women to go for cervical cancer screening until at least the age of 70. cancer.
   The Pap test, or smear, is one of the most reliable cancer screening tests available. Regular pelvic exams and Pap testing can detect precancerous cell changes in the cervix early and prevent the development of cervical cancer.
   Doctors use several terms to describe these precancerous changes,including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) , squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) , and dysplasia.  These changes can be detected by the Pap test and treated to prevent cancer from developing  Doctors may also do an HPV test the same time they do a pap test. This involves swabbing the cervix, then examining the cells for evidence for HPV DNA.
   Precancerous changes in the cervix may be treated with cryosurgery, cauterization, or laser surgery.

   Vaccination against HPV is the best preventive measure to take against
cervical cancer. Vaccination against HPV is recommended before you get sexually active, because it's only effective when given to people before they become infected with the virus. So the Vaccination against HPV is advised for females aged 9 to 26.
   One such vaccine, is Gardasil and it guards against the two most common high risk types of HPV, strain 16 and 18.


   Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? Although the only way to
know for sure is by taking a home pregnancy test or a blood test at your Ob-Gyn office. But pay close attention to your body! there are early symptoms of pregnancy that may point to the possibility, because the hormones released as soon as you conceive may start causing subtle changes even before they're detectable on a home pregnancy test.
   Checkout these early signs of pregnancy and see if any of them feel familiar. But you should know the fact that you notice some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are pregnant, these symptoms may be caused by other things besides being pregnant. So the only way to tell for sure is with a pregnancy test.

1. Spotting and Cramping
   One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is spotting (Bleeding), sometimes cramping. This is as a result of the fertilized egg attaches itself to wall of the uterus a few days after conception. The bleeding is called implantation bleeding because, it is triggered by implantation. The cramps resemble menstrual cramps , so some women mistake them and the bleeding for the start of their period. The bleeding and cramps, however, are slight. It occurs anywhere from six to 12 days after the egg is fertilized. So if you notice that your "period" seems way shorter or different from usual, it may be a sign of pregnancy.

2. Breast Changes
   A woman's hormone levels rapidly change after conception. Because of the changes, you might experience swollen, soreness or tingling in breast.
The breast will fill out and change shape early in pregnancy as they prepare to produce milk. They become heavier, fuller and very tender and sensitive to touch for a few months
  Hormones can cause the areolas the area around the nipples, to widen and darken during pregnancy. This occurs as the body prepares itself for

3. Missed Period
   This is the most obvious indicator of pregnancy. A missed period can be as a result of stress, diet or an irregular schedule it doesn’t always mean a baby is on the way. So it’s best to get tested to be sure.

4. Smell Sensitivity
   Heightened sense of smell is one of the most common early signs that you could be pregnant. Some researchers have speculated that it might be to protect women from eating spoiled or tainted foods, thus protecting the baby from any harmful toxins.

5. Nausea
  Nausea during pregnancy is caused by an increase in hormone levels. It
affects up to 85 percent of all pregnant women,.

6. Peeing more often or Constipation
   During pregnancy the uterus presses directly on the bladder leading to more frequent urination. The added pressure and intestinal changes may also cause constipation. The more a baby grows, the more the uterus presses against the bladder and other organs.
   Also because your digestive track is slowing down now, food may not pass through as quickly and this can lead to constipation.

7. Bloating
   Ramped-up levels of progesterone slow down your digestive track and may make your tummy feel puffier than usual, you might fit into your clothes anymore, especially those skinny jeans. But bloating also happens during PMS and goes away when your period arrives,

8. Unusual Hunger or Cravings
   Since your overtired body may demand extra carbs now to grow the baby, some women find themselves craving food they would never
normally dream of eating, while others simply feel hungry all day long.Pregnant bodies are working hard and need about 300 extra calories a

9. Headaches
   Increasing blood volume may trigger frequent but mild tension headaches in the first few weeks of pregnancy. The frequency of the headaches can increase with pregnancy. This sign of pregnancy should let up as your body adjusts to elevated hormone levels.

10. Fatigue
   It takes lots of energy to create a baby, so, many women feel very tired early in pregnancy .If all you can think about at work is taking a nap or if you're too exhausted to keep up with everyday activities like hitting the gym, then you might be pregnant. If you are pregnant, chances are you’ll start to feel less tired around week 12, when the placenta is fully formed.

11. Metallic Taste in the mouth
    Some women complain of an odd metallic taste in their mouths during pregnancy. For some it can last throughout their entire pregnancy.

12. Mood Swings
    As levels of hCG hormones increase, you're feeling massive amounts of fatigue, which makes you more prone to moodiness. Many women experience emotional mood swings throughout pregnancy. It’s natural to go through a variety of emotions as hormones are adjusting and the body is changing.

13. Feeling faint or dizzy
   Changes in hormones, combined with the heart beating faster to pump more blood through the body can cause blood pressure to gradually decrease early in pregnancy. This can result to pregnant women feeling  dizzy or lightheaded.


   No one wants a yellow smile and the benefits of having great looking teeth and a smile that lights up the room are plentiful. White teeth can make a positive first impression, increase your overall image and help boost your self esteem.
   Some people have stained, yellow teeth that just won’t whiten no matter how much brushing is done. And while there are many teeth whitening products and treatments, some do contain harsh chemicals that can leave your teeth feeling sensitive for a long time. Some people even resort to cosmetic procedures (which are expensive) that can help make their teeth look whiter, but there are are things you can do to avoid stains and embarrassing discoloration.
   These natural teeth whitening home remedies solutions  are not a replacement for normal dental care, but these methods work great along side normal brushing and flossing. Here’s a look at some easy, natural ways to whiten your teeth:

1. Turmeric
   Turmeric is known for staining things yellow (including cloth, skin and other surfaces) and it has even been used as a dye for cloth in the past. But it works surprisingly well for whitening teeth.

2. Coconut Oil Pulling
   Oil pulling is an Indian remedy used primarily to enhance oral health and cleanse the body. Coconut oil has been proven effective against the streptococcus mutants bacteria that contributes to cavities and gum disease. The process is actually quite simple, harmless, and very inexpensive.
Simply put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it between your teeth for 10 to 20 minutes, preferably first thing in the morning before eating. Or add a few drops to your toothbrush and simply brush it on. This will help remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth.

3 Floss Your Teeth
   Flossing is more important than brushing, but flossing doesn’t come as easily to people as brushing. Floss twice daily . This will make your teeth to look whiter.

4. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables
   Crunchy fruit or vegetables act like nature’s toothbrush. Apples, celery, and carrots are all great for your teeth. Simply chewing them removes excess food and bacteria from your mouth. It also helps to scrub away stains on the surface. Apples contain malic acid, which is the same chemical also found teeth whitening products. So the acid in these fruits and vegetables make the teeth whiter.

5. Strawberries
   Strawberries can help whiten teeth due to containing an enzyme called malic acid and vitamin C. Simply mashed up about four or five strawberries and rubbed this yummy mixture all over your teeth. You can also brush with the mixture or you could also just eat strawberries, making sure to chew really well and allowing them to do the brushing on their own. The vitamin C in strawberries washes away plaque while the astringent helps to remove surface stains.

6. Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
    Hydrogen peroxide prevents the growth of bacteria, it can help to prevent infections, and prevents bad breath, which often results from bacteria. While baking soda is a gritty substance like sandpaper. Either one of these ingredients works well, but together they are super-effective. To avoid damage to your enamel mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of baking soda to make a paste, be careful that you have enough hydrogen peroxide mixed in with the soda.The paste should not be
gritty at all, and in fact it should be a runnier paste than a stiff paste. Brush your teeth as usual and wash off immediately. Hydrogen peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent and works great as a total mouth and gum cleaner and keeps the mouth free of germs.

7. Use a Straw
   Use a straw to reduce direct exposure to teeth. Coffee, tea, soda, and wine can all cause serious damage to the enamel of your teeth and cause discoloration. But if you happen to drink coffee or wine without a straw,  then make sure you brush afterwards.

Saturday 11 June 2016


   We like to treat the refrigerator as a safe-haven for all things food and drink, but not all food needs to be stored in the refrigerator. 
   Putting these foods into the refrigerator won’t cause you any harm, however storing these foods in the refrigerator when you shouldn’t can zap or alter their flavour,make them go mouldy fast or it can cause a nuisance for your palate as textures and tastes become ruined. To avoid losing and removing the taste from your food, here are some examples of foods you shouldn’t put into the refrigerator, plus where to keep them instead.

1. Bread
   You refrigerator will dry out your bread quickly. Keep bread on the counter or in the freezer. Bread in the freezer should be wrapped so it retains its moisture, and when you remove it from the freezer, you should
let it thaw slowly and completely before eating or toasting.

2. Onions
   If you put onions in the fridge, the moisture will eventually turn them mushy and mouldy. Also, cut onions tend to engulf the location it’s currently in with its smell, also the layers begin to dry up even if you do wrap it up tightly.
   Store unpeeled onions in a cool, dry, well ventilated area while peeled onions should be kept in the fridge in a covered container.

3. Potatoes
   Keeping a potato in the cold temperature of your refrigerator will turn its starch into sugar more quickly. Do not store potatoes in the refrigerator instead store them in a paper bag in a cool — not cold — and dry place. Paper bags are breathable and the potatoes won't rot as fast.

4. Tomatoes
   The cold air in the refrigerator can alter the texture of tomatoes and turn their flesh mush and mealy. It can also stops the ripening process, causing the tomatoes to lose all their flavour, because ripening is what gives tomatoes more flavour. Keep tomatoes out in a bowl or basket on the counter.

5. Watermelon
   Watermelons lost some of their antioxidant (lycopene and beta-carotene) content when they are kept in the mainly because antioxidants in foods, are prone to degradation if they are not stored properly.
   Leave watermelons on the counter at room temperature to maintain these antioxidants. Sliced melon should be covered and put in the

6. Honey
   Honey is a naturally preserved food, a 1000 year old jar of honey, will be as fresh as the day it was put into that jar. There’s no need to store honey in the refrigerator. Keeping honey in the refrigerator can cause it to crystallise which turns it into an almost dough like form, making for a hard time to scoop out or spread.
   Honey should be kept in a tightly closed container at room temperature in a dry place.

7. Bananas, Avocados and Mangoes
   The cold temperature within the refrigerator tends to slow down the ripening process of these fruits Therefore, placing a green banana or avocado in your refrigerator will mean that it will stay green for an incredibly long time. if you’ve bought an already-ripe avocado or banana that you don’t want to use right away in the refrigerator.
   They can be kept on the counter until they ripen,they will retain nutrients better.

8. Garlic
   Grlic will start to sprout in the refrigerator and it may also get rubbery and mouldy. Instead, store garlic in a cool, dry place.

9. Olive Oil
   Putting olive oils into the refrigerator tends to turn them into a harder, stodgy almost butter-spread-like consistency. They tend to solidify at cooler temperatures and take a long time to become liquid again. Store olive oil in a cool, dark place.

10. Coffee
   If you leave coffee in the refrigerator, it will lose its flavour and actually begin to absorb any smell that’s in your refrigerator and it will never go back to it’s original flavour. Also as a result of changes of temperature, moisture begins to come off the coffee. Store coffee in a cool, dark place, where it will retain its flavour and freshness.


   We are used to eating food in combinations,but they are some food combinations  which poses health risk to the eater. Some of the immediate
consequences or short term effects of bad food combinations are digestive un-ease, blood sugar spikes that will leave you tired, gas bloating, stomach ache, nausea and fatigue. Long term food combination can lead to severe problems like bad breath, dry skin, rashes, chronic inflammation, poor sleep, low energy, and chronic digestion issues.
   This list is here to point out 10 harmful food combinations that you should avoid in your diet.

   Limes can inhibit or block enzymes that break down cholesterol lowering statins and other drugs, including the cough suppressant dextromethorphan. Because the medication then builds up in your bloodstream, the risk for unwanted side effects from the medication increases. These side effects can include hallucinations and insomnia . In statins, you may sustain severe muscle damage.

   Most people love banana milkshake and they cannot resist having a glass now and then,  but what they don't know is, banana and milk is a very dangerous food combination because it is said to create heaviness in the body and slow down the mind. Try to avoid this combination.  But if you are a huge fan of banana milkshake, then add a pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon to stimulate your digestive system.

   Some antibiotics, including Cipro, bind to calcium, iron, and other minerals in milk based foods which prevents the absorption of the antibiotics thereby, decreasing their ability to fight infections.

   Milk contains casein, and orange juice contains acid. Acids in orange juice or any acid fruits destroy the enzyme that is responsible for digesting starches present in cereal. Also, acidic fruits or juices can curdle milk and
turn it into a heavy mucus-forming substance. To avoid this, have fruit juice at least an hour before or after the cereals.

  Dairy foods can be congestive, encouraging colds and worsening symptoms of allergies. When combined with fruit these symptoms can become even worse. Combining any sour fruits with dairy can diminish digestive fire, produce toxins and cause sinus congestion, cold, cough and allergies. Always for a room temperature natural unflavored yogurt.

    Peppermint along with aerated drinks  leads to a fatal toxic food combination in the stomach. It is believed that Cyanide can be formed by the combination of these two if it is mixed in the right proportions.

   Fruit contains simple sugars that require no digestion, it is absorbed very quickly and passes through the digestive system to be absorbed in the intestines. When these fruits are combined with foods rich in fat, protein and starch, will stay in the stomach for a longer period of time because they require more digestion and the sugar in it starts to ferment.  This can cause damage to the walls of your intestine amongst other problems.

  Milk is a difficult food product to digest and some people also have
lactose intolerance or lack of the enzyme to digest the lactose protein of milk. Combining milk and citrus fruit can lead to coagulation due to acidity and the acidity causes heat burns and gas.

  This combination causes gastric problems. Sugar acts on the protein digesting enzymes which  results in the food taking a long time to get digested and there are chances of indigestion taking place.

   No pasta is complete without tomatoes, but tomatoes are considered acidic and the acid weaken the enzyme in starchy pasta Food combining theory recommends to avoid mixing carbohydrates with acids because, your body will require a lot of energy to digest the meal. They wreak havoc on your digestive system.


   Headaches are characterised by a feeling of tenseness in the neck, shoulder and scalp. We all deal with splitting headaches every now and then and severe headaches can be so painful and at times frustrating. Of course the easy way out is to pop a painkiller, since we are willing to do just about anything to get rid of that pounding headache,  but there are natural home remedies that can help ease and stop that head from pounding.

  In some cases causes of headache can be due to dehydration, so always stay hydrated. A simple glass of water will rehydrate your body.

   Applying an ice pack to the back of your neck can give relief from a migraine, the cold from the ice helps reduce inflammation that calibrates to head ache. it also has a numbing effect on the pain. You can also place a washcloth dipped in ice cold water on your head for 5 minutes.

   Ginger is a home remedy for instant relief for headaches, It helps reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thereby, easing the pain. It also helps quell the nausea which occurs during migraine.
   Mix equal parts or ginger and lemon juice or add ginger to your tea, drink this once or twice a day. Or make a paste of powered ginger and 2 tbsp water and apply on your forehead. You can also boil ginger powder or raw ginger in water and inhale the vapor.

  Apples and apple cider vinegar can be used to fight off a headache. They can go a long way to help restore balance in the body which starts from the head. Sprinkle litle salt on a piece of apple if you wake up with a headache,
and drink some warm water after. Or add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water, with honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Consume 2 or 3 times a day.

   Cinnamon and thyme are two miracle spices that can effectively treat
headaches. To relieve headache with cinnamon, add water to powered cinnamon and make a thick paste. Apply on your forehead and wash off after 30 minutes with warm water.
   For thyme mix with rosemary essential oil and rub on your forehead, then sit quietly for several minutes to let this home remedy work.

   Placing your feet in warm water can get rid of headache. For severe headache, add a bit of hot mustard powder to the water if available. This really goes a long way to help relieve the pain in the Head. You can also place a washcloth dipped in hot water over your head for 5 minutes. Repeat the process several times.

   Peppermint contains menthol that helps open up clogged blood vessels that cause headaches and which also helps regulate blood flow in the body.  It also has calming and soothing effects.
   Mix three drops of peppermint essential oil in one tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil or water. Massage your forehead and temples with it. Also you can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a small pot of boiling water and inhale the steam for a few minutes.

  Add lemon to warm water and consume this mixture to relieve the pain.

   A few simple exercises to stretch your head and neck can help reduce the intensity of the headache. Stetch your neck, move your chin up and down , left and right, and bend your neck sideways towards each shoulder.
also rotate the neck in clockwise and anticlockwise directions to help the
shoulder and neck muscles relax.

   Most Headaches can be caused by fatigue and what you just need to do is to take a cold bath and rest for some time to get back to your real self.

    To prevent frequent headaches,  you need to avoid headache-inducing substances like excessive caffeine, alcohol, tyramine found in nuts and fermented meats and soy, and aspartame present in many artificially sweetened foods. Eat healthy, and at regular intervals and if you start getting a headache, avoid such as your phone, laptop and TV. And lastly, always stay hydrated.


Sunday 5 June 2016


   Have you ever been told that you are too skinny or just underweight? Do you eat everything and never gain weight. And do you want to put on weight? Although most fitness information is geared towards fat loss, but being underweight can also pose various health risks just as being overweight.

   Many thin women set out to gain any weight and gaining body fat is fine with them, not knowing if the weights you gain come primarily from increased body fat, you have no control of where those extra fats will be going to on your body. This extra fat could end up  in places like your tummy thereby giving you bad physique. The your best bet to improve your physique and also dictate where the extra pounds should go is to go after lean muscle weight gains. Here are some of the ways to gain healthy weight.

   To gain weight,  you have to consume more calories. Estimate your calorie needs for weight gain. Add calorically dense foods into your diet, such as
- Carbohydrates like whole-grain breads, pasta and Brown Rice etc.
- Choose high-quality protein sources such as eggs, yogurt, meat, fish, milk, seeds, protein supplements etc.
- Starchy vegetables like Potatoes, Peas, Cauliflower, Pumpkin and Sweet potatoes
- Consume nuts and calorie dense ripe fruits like Banana
   You also need to:
- Eat your three main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) spaced about 5 hours apart. In addition eat two to three snacks a day in between meals.
- Never skip your breakfast. Include one eggs and fruit juice to your breakfast.
- Eat food with higher calories, Moderate fats, Higher Protein, Higher Fiber, Higher nutrition.
- Eat bigger than normal portions for your regular meals.
- Add healthy unsaturated fats in moderation such as olive oil, seeds, peanut butter and avocados to your diet.
- Do not drink water before meals. After meals, wait about 10 minutes before drinking water.
- Drink your calories, although water is good for hydration, but when you want to gain weight it's better to drink beverages that supply calories. Milk and 100 percent fruit juice make the healthiest drink choices.
  Eating the right foods and including a variety of healthy foods from all the food groups ensures that you gain more muscle and not fat.

   Building muscle requires something called "progressive overloading. Weight training helps to convert the extra calories into muscle, hence add some extra pounds to your body. This also increases your capacity to store muscular glycogen , or glucose stored within your muscles.
  Do 30 minutes of resistance training and Do NOT engage in aerobic exercises (Running Stationary Bicycling). Aerobic exercise help you lose body fat (weight loss). You may end up losing more weight than gaining weight. Do some compound movements like body-weight squat, push-ups, row or deadlift. add strength training to your exercise routine.

   Keep a food diary or journal to track your weight gain progress. or use an online calorie tracker to help make sure you are meeting your calorie needs. Keep a record of your daily calorie consumption. Weigh yourself at the end of each week to see your development. Keep doing this until you start seeing a noticeable progress.

Saturday 4 June 2016


   Headache is defined as a pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. Headaches are extremely common. Most headaches aren'tnthe result of a serious illness, disappear on their own (with a little time) or with the help of mild pain relievers. But some may result from a life-threatening condition requiring emergency care. Children can also have headaches, and research shows that before puberty, headaches are more common in boys, but after puberty. Adult women experience more headaches than adult men, and they're often linked to a woman's menstrual cycle. With advancing age,both women and men tend to have fewer, less severe headaches.
   Headaches are generally classified by cause, and the symptoms that comes along with it. Thr headache symptoms can help your doctor determine its type and the appropriate treatment that’s most likely to help and even try to prevent them. Headaches  can be classified as primary and secondary. 

   A primary headache is caused by overactivity or problems with pain-sensitive structures in your head. A primary headache isn't a symptom of an underlying disease and usually are treated with rest and over-the-
counter medications for pain. Common primary headaches are:
1. TENSION HEADACHES: Also called stress headaches or chronic daily
headaches, Tension headaches hes are the most common type of primary headache and most common type among adults and teens. It occur more commonly among women than men. It generally cause a constant pressure or a dull ache that affects the entire head, it begins slowly in most cases, , with the ache usually focused above the eyes. There's a feeling of tightness across the forehead or at the back of the neck. They cause mild to moderate pain and come and go over time.

2. MIGRAINE HEADACHES: These are the second most common type of
primary headache. They are often described as pounding, throbbing pain. They affect children as well as adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are affected equally by migraine headaches, but after puberty, more women than men are affected. Pains can last from 4 hours to 3 days and usually
happen one to four times per month. Along with the pain,  people have other symptoms such as upset stomach or belly pain, sensitivity to light or
smells nausea or vomiting and loss of appetite.

3. CLUSTER HEADACHES: Cluster headaches are a rare and most severe type of primary headache. This type is intense and feels like a burning or piercing pain behind the eyes, They more often affect men than women and run in families. they tend to happen in groups over a few days, weeks, or months and may disapear for months to years only to come back again.

Major causes of primary headaches are:
-Alcohol, particularly red wine
-Certain foods, such as processed meats that contain nitrates
-Changes in sleep or lack of sleep
-Poor posture
-Skipped meals
   A Secondary headaches are usually a symptom of an injury or disease that can activate the pain-sensitive nerves of the head. Any number of
conditions  varying greatly in severity may cause secondary headaches. Patients should seek medical attention. Common types of secondary headaches are:
1. SINUS HEADACHES: They make you feel a deep and constant pain in your cheekbones, forehead, or bridge of your nose. The pain usually comes along with other sinus symptoms, such as a runny nose, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, and swelling in your face.

2. EXTERNAL COMPRESSION HEADACHES: They are a result of pressure causing headgear.

3. REBOUND HEADACHES: This headaches are caused by overuse of pain

4.ICE PICK HEADACHES: commonly called brain freeze.

5. SPINAL HEADACHES : caused by low pressure or volume of Cerebrospinal fluid, possibly the result of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak, spinal tap or spinal anesthesia)

6. Hormone headaches: Women can get headaches from changing hormone levels during their periods, pregnancy , and menopause. The hormone changes from birth control pills also trigger headaches in some women.

Possible causes of secondary headaches include:
-High blood pressure (hypertension)
-Acute sinusitis
-Blood clot
-Overuse of pain medication
-Panic attacks and panic disorder
- Ear infection
-Brain aneurysm
- Brain inflammation
- Stroke
- Meningitis
- Pressure from tight headgear, such as a helmet or goggles
-Brain tumor
- Toxoplasmosis
-Carbon monoxide poisoning
-Dental problems and more.


   When we think of attractiveness, we usually think of things that affect our physical appearance, but being attractive is more than natural good looks or fashion sense. Not all attractiveness is external.
  Being attractive comes down to your self confidence, and how positive and productive you are. That is, being attractive emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Lets look at 10 daily habits that can make you more attractive.

   Be sure of your value. Knowing your self-worth allows you to be confident in the fact that you are valuable as a human being because of your character, intelligence and kind actions, and this will set the bar for you actions and attitudes. Hold your head high and don’t stray from your morals or standards. Without strong and positive expressions even designer clothes that you're wearing will seem dull and ugly. Confidence is sexy and can make everything beautiful and distinctive  and self-love is the best way to build self-confidence. Being confident in who you are will help you find a partner who shares similar standards.

   When you’re more interested in what someone else has to say than talking about yourself, the other person will feel like you really care and find you likable. The best way to connect with people is by  sharing dreams,fears, goals or passions and asking questions to understand the background behind people’s actions, preferences, and stories.

   Physical exercise keeps the body in shape, and healthy bodies are more attractive than unhealthy ones. Exercise will help keep your body healthy and allow you to be more comfortable and confident in your own skin. You can find a hobby or sport you like if you don’t want to go to a gym, for instance just walking around your neighborhood, can be enough to get the blood circulating. Taking care of your body, inside and out, is extremely important to health, happiness and well-being

  Be mindful of the present despite how hectic life gets. Being mindful is an attractive quality because it is a peaceful self-awareness of the beauty in the present moment. Remember to slow down and appreciate things as you experience them. Mindful people tend to be more emotionally balanced and attractive because, they shift focus away from anxiety or depression and focus on the now. A recent study, showed that women found men that were more mindful more attractive.

   The people we chose to have in our lives are treasures. Your true friends are always there when you need them, so don’t let friendships grow apart.
We have to work to keep them in our life. By nourishing your friendships and making time for the people you care about, you practice the skills necessary to sustain a happy romantic relationship as well. Lastly, Friends make you smile and smiling is always an attractive habit.

   Food is fuel for the body. Food powers and determines the health of our body. Nourishing your insides helps nourish your skin because, if we eat well, our bodies will reflect this, from radiant skin to strong muscles, bouncy hair. Putting processed food into your body won’t help it function properly it will eventually harm it. Choose fresh, healthy foods to fuel your body, because the better you feel, you better you look.

   Sleep is vital to your health, appearance and well-being. A good night’s rest rejuvenate your body, and ensures that our bodies are able to replenish their depleted resource. Good rest also makes that you look better physically it keeps your skin looking healthy and your eyes bright. Mentally, well-rested people are better able to cope with stress.

   Our Lives are made up of many small moments. We should not just enjoy the the grand moments.  Choosing to enjoy the simple things in life is a way to keep a positive attitude. You are in charge of your own happiness. So choose joy and gratitude no matter the situation. The more we enjoy life the more sincere our smile is, and everyone looks best when they are smiling.

   Mistakes happen and we are made to suffer at times.  Self-improvement means constantly learning. Grudges can be hard to let go of, and when you hold a grudge, the longer it will take to heal. Learn from the situation and forgive wholeheartedly, you’ll feel lighter and ready to move on. Also when you make mistakes, you can demonstrate intelligence by learning from mistakes and handling it well. How you handle yourself and move on dictates your character.

   Don’t let yourself get so busy that you don’t have time to relax and unwind. If we work and labor, without breaks or time to unwind, our health and happiness suffer greatly. Self-care includes some time with no stress or concerns. Allow time each day to do something you love,



  The shape, texture, and color of your natural nails reflect your general state of health, diet and lifestyle. While some nail symptoms are harmless,  It can also signal health problems including liver and kidney diseases, anemia, heart and lung conditions, and diabetes.
  Our hormones, stress levels and lifestyle play a part in our nail health as they do in our hair and skin health. The growth rate of your nails may also give clues about you health. So rather than spending trimming and polishing our nails we should be on the lookout for swelling, spots, odd colours or changes in shape or thickness.
   Although it could be harmless, but here are some warning signs to be on the lookout for, and what they mean for your health.

What it means- The causes of yellow nails can be linked to discolouration from smoking, wearing nail polish too often, or a fungal infection which generally infect the entire nail bed. Yellow nails is also seen in psoriasis patients, as a side effect of certain medications.

Remedy- Give your nails a few days without nail polish every few weeks and in the case of a fungal infection, a visit to your doctor is important.
Your doctor can prescribe an oral med, which will reach the entire breadth of the infected nail.

What it means- White dots or lines on the nails can indicate that your daily intake of sugar is too high, or maybe you are experiencing some sort of trauma. it could also be an indication of kidney disease, or a lack of protein and other nutrients.

Remedy- Give them some time to grow out and fade, but if they aren't going away, see your dermatologist, I could be a fungal infection. Or visit a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.

What it means - if fingernails are looking pale, you may have anemia, a blood disorder which causes a low red blood cell count. Since there is a low level of iron as a result of anemia, this can lead to inadequate oxygen in the blood, which causes the skin and tissues to become pale, particularly the tissues under the nails.
   Pale nails could also be a sign of early diabetes or liver disease, both of which can lead to impaired blood flow.

Remedy - Consume good sources of iron, such as green vegetables and beans. Avoid processed foods and eat more fiber and vegetables. Also schedule a visit to the doctor.

What it means - Depressions and small cracks in the nails are known as pitting of the nail bed,it resembles candle's wax drippings. It is mostly connected with hormonal changes, thyroid issues, stress, diabetes circulatory diseases, or any illness associated with a high fever (like pneumonia ) and psoriasis, an inflammatory disease that characterized by scaly patches on the body. Nail  is also connected to connective tissue disorders such as alopecia the disease that causes hair loss.

Remedy - Consult your doctor for a physical examination, because it is often all you need for a diagnosis, after which your doctor may recommend
topical, oral, or injected medications or light therapy. You can  also smooth the ridges pre - manicure.

What it means - it means you’re not getting enough oxygen to your fingertip. This could be as a result of respiratory disease or a vascular problem called Raynaud’s Disease.

Remedy - Visit a doctor and check your blood and oxygenation levels if your nails are persistently blue.

What it means - Dark or dark brown lines on the nails can be a sign of melanoma the deadliest form of skin cancer, which requires early detection and treatment.

Remedy - Leave your nails bare periodically so you can examine them before you get a mani. If you notice any dark streaks, visit the doctor immediately. Black lines on the nail bed should never be ignored.

What it means -  If you can break or bend your nails easily, peel them, or they constantly split then you have a weak and brittle nail. It can be related to advancing age, You may also be deficient in vitamin A, vitamin C, or biotin, which can help strengthen nails and speed their growth. It could also be linked to your thyroid,liver or a fungal infection. Lifestyle factors  such as washing dishes, swimming,use of harsh manicures, acrylic nails, or gel wraps frequently and exposure to chemicals can be the cause of cracked, weak and brittle nails.

Remedy - Give your nails time to breath, and for washers replenish the moisture in your hands with a rich nail conditioner. See your doctor immediately to check for thyroid disorder.

   If you notice any significant changes in your nails, including swelling, discolorations,  see a dermatologist or a doctor right away. It could be nothing, or it could be a sign of a serious health condition, because your nails can reveal a lot about your health,


   Body odour is simply defined as the unpleasant odour given off by the body. Body odour is something that most people have to deal with at some level, it can affect a person's confidence and self-esteem and in extreme cases, it can lead to anxiety, depression and social withdrawal .
   Body odour causes can vary from person to person based on a number of different factors. Understanding some of the basic causes of body odour will help to point people in the right direction for finding suitable ways to reduce and prevent body odour.


1. Sweat
   The human body (skin) has two main types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands.

Eccrine – Eccrine glands occur over most of the body and open directly onto the surface of the skin. Eccrine sweat glands secrete sweat directly onto the skin. that is responsible for cooling the body when temperature rises. It is also primarily made up of water.

Apocrine – Apocrine glands develop in areas abundant in hair follicles, such as the areola,armpits, groin and around the eyelids. They produce sweat that is like a milky fluid, that is thick nd also contains what bacteria feed on as it’s secreted. It is commonly secreted when you're under emotional stress and it is odourless until it combines with bacteria found normally on the skin. They are larger than eccrine glands and are dormant in the body until puberty.

2. Bacteria
  We all know that bacteria and sweat are mostly to be blamed for body odour. Sweat itself is odourless by nature but, the bacteria on the skin break down sweat molecules and produce acid compounds that have an odour which therefore, results to body odour. These acids have distinct smells and are typically what constitutes body odour.

3. Illness and Medication
   Some medical conditions can cause someone to smell differently. For instance, a fruity smell can sometimes be a sign of diabetes, while a bleach-like smell may indicate liver or kidney disease.
   Antipsychotic and antidepressant can result in excessive sweating as side effects. Also, overuse of aspirin can also lead to an increase in sweat production.

4. Food
   The food we eat can play a role in our body odour and our breathe. The nutrients and compounds in food can influence odour. For example, organic compounds like sulfides have pungent odours and are often released in the body as food is broken down. Over consumption of foods that are associated with body odour can lead to increased body odour. Some of these foods are:
- Red meat
- Eggs
- Garlic
- Seafood
- Beans
- Cabbage
- Onions
- Spices such as coriander, curry etc.

5. Hormonal Changes
  A common side effect of menopause are hot flashes which can lead to increased perspiration. More odour compounds are produced as more sweat
is produced. Also, males that have low levels of testosterone due to improperly working testicles tend to sweat more which can lead to body odour.

   Body odour problem can be managed by getting rid of excess skin bacteria  which are responsible for the smell. Here are some self care advice:

1. Good Hygiene
- Apocrine glands are responsible for producing body odour, and the armpits contain a large number of it, so keeping the armpits clean, dry and free of bacteria can reduce body odour.
- Take a bath or shower at least twice every day to kill the bacteria on your skin and also remove dead skin and fatty acids that accumulate throughout the day, especially on hot days. It is important to use an antibacterial soap to wash the body thoroughly especially under the arms, chest and groin area.
- Wash your armpits thoroughly using an antibacterial soap.
- Shave your armpits regularly to allow sweat to evaporate quicker, giving bacteria less time to break it down.
- Wear clean clothes, and make sure you wash your clothes regularly.

2. Deodorant and antiperspirant
   Use a deodorant or an antiperspirant after bathing or showering. Deodorants and antiperspirants work in two ways to help reduce body odor. Deodorants work by using perfume to mask the smell of sweat, while Antiperspirants contain aluminium chloride and aluminum chlorohydrate, which reduces the amount of sweat produced by the body. So they temporarily control bacterial growth by dissolving in sweat and forming a barrier over the glands thereby preventing sweat from being released onto the surface of the skin. Use roll-on antiperspirants if you sweat heavily.

3. Choice of clothing
   Wear natural fibres, such as wool or cotton which allow your skin to breathe,and which will make sweat to evaporate quicker.

4. Well Balanced Diet
   Because certain foods and spices like red meat, garlic and curry contain high amounts of sulfides and other compounds that causes body odour, Limit the amount of those foods. Keep a balanced diet consisting of protein, carbohydrates and vegetables