Wednesday 5 August 2015


   When you begin a new workout routine choosing the right exercises for a flat belly is vital if you want to shed belly fat and get a flat tummy.
   Here are 3 of the best newbie workouts for a flat belly that can help you trim that flab around your waistline.  

1. Walking. While walking is a good exercise for your heart, arms and legs, it's one of the best beginner workouts for a flat belly. What makes walking a great exercise is the fact that it can fit into your daily routine since you can choose to walk to and from work or when visiting the store or market instead of driving your car. If you use public transport, get off one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way.  

2. Cycling. One hour of cycling can help you to burn up to 1,000 calories. Cycling engage several muscles in the lower body such as your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. Cycling also works your core muscles as they have to balance and support your upper body as you pedal.

3. Swimming. Swimming is a major full body workout that tones all your muscles including your ab muscles. It's also a very powerful calorie burner. an hour of swimming will burn an average of 667 calories. Swimming is one of the best all round workouts for a flat belly because it makes you work many other parts of your body while exercising your belly. The combination of fat burning and muscle toning is the perfect blend for developing strong, solid, flat abs.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Simple Health Tips For Healthier And Longer Life

Quick tips that can improve your health or even save your life

1.  Wash fruits and vegetables before you cook them. Chances are high that your food has come in contact with pesticides. You can never really be sure unless you personally grow it. 
2.  A cup of green tea each day, coupled with fresh fruits and vegetables, can keep you healthy and prevent diabetes, stroke and even heart problems.
3.  Cut down on sugars in your diet. Sugars are the ultimate killers and lead you on the path of illnesses.  Satisfy your sweet tooth with nothing more than 2 spoons of sugar for the entire day.
4.  Keep your teeth healthy. Interestingly, rotten teeth have been the cause of numerous health problems, ear infections and even heart problems. Germs that lodge in rotten teeth can travel through your body wreaking havoc. A regular visit to your dentist is less scary than the complications that can arise from cherishing your decaying teeth!
5.  Use comfortable  chairs while working. Bad posture while working can lead to the curvature of your spine, resulting into several other complications. Your workstation should be at a comfortable height, and choose a chair that allows you to rest your feet flat on the floor.
6.  Exercise daily. Spend a good 20 minutes each day with any form of exercise . Exercises get your metabolism up and helps your body function well. People who exercise more regularly are known to live longer.
7.  Beat stress as much as you can. Stress is a silent killer and claims more lives than many people care to admit. It is the root cause of many cases of sudden death, and can lead to unexplained illnesses that can't really be diagnosed with traditional medical diagnostics. Cut down on stress and you've taken one of the best steps to improve your lifestyle and lengthen your years.

While there are endless list of do's and dont's for a better life,these few tips cover most of the basics, and are simple to integrate with daily lifeThese are just a few tips to improve your health and even save your life. So what are you waiting for? Get started with these simple tips and literally "get a life"

Monday 3 August 2015

How To Eat Less

How to eat less is easier than you may think. Changing habits can occur when new behaviors are practiced and supported over time. Here are a few of the important principles to follow:

1. STRESS MANAGEMENT: We all need a stress reduction list of replacement behaviors to follow. Rather than eat when stressed, we will: 1. Take a walk; 2. Call a friend; 3. Meditate or whatever you put on your list. What has worked best is to practice your replacement behavior as soon as you get home from work every day. You reduce your stress before it builds while creating a healthy habit.

2. CONTROL YOUR TRIGGERS: When we see or smell food, it causes or triggers a biochemical change in our brain of increased gherkin, a hormone that causes hunger. Stores place impulse items near the check out area counting on this effect. Start out making a list of the things that trigger hunger in you. The common ones are TV and magazine food ads, shopping when hungry, eating out, and talking about food.

3. SLOW DOWN: Most Nigerians eat in a hurry, The food goes down so fast, it doesn't register with your brain. So, we keep eating until we are stuffed. One preventative technique we use is to count your chews and take smaller bites. If that's too boring, just put your fork down between bites.

4. NO TELEVISION: TV distracts us from paying attention to our intake. The main behavior that's correlated with being obese is TV watching while snacking. 

There are more principles, but these should be enough to get you started that fall under the category of easy to do. Once you get used to these replacement behaviors, you do them without thinking. So, go ahead and make your list, get people involved, and have fun with your new lifestyle.