Saturday 13 August 2016


Water makes up about two-thirds of your body weight, and a person cannot survive without water for more than a few days. It is important to keep your body hydrated because water helps the body in numerous ways. It is the easiest key to a healthy life. However, at times, the body may lose water more than usual due to vigorous physical activity, excessive sweating and frequent urination, and the body tends to function less efficiently then. Here are some signs that indicate the body lacks water.

1. Poor Concentration
   The human brain is made up of 90% water, it shows signs when dehydrated, because water is it's essential component. Lack of water in the brain  leads to poor concentration, it affect decision making, memory
and mood. The brain will work more slowly and it can cause difficulty focusing, thinking and communicating. Researchers found out that mildly dehydrated people performed worse on cognitive tasks and also reported
difficulty making decisions.  Adequate intake of water  during the day will make our brain function better and therefore our whole system will function better as well.

2. Dry skin
   Dry and scaly skin is another sign that your body lacks water. The elasticity and hydration depends on the amount of water you drink per day, because the skin requires a good amount of water to remain in good
condition. Dehydration causes the skin to be rough or crack. When the water level is low the skin sweat less, and it’s unable to clean the body from excess dirts, oil and toxins accumulated during the day. The sweating is the means through which the body cleanse itself, thereby reducing the risk of acne, pimples, wrinkles, eczema and psoriasis. It's not just about using a good skin moisturizer on the outside, also hydrate your skin from the inside out by drinking an adequate amount of water.

3. Increased Heart Rate
   Dehydration affects blood circulation and increases  heart rate. It makes the blood more viscous by reducing plasma volume. Lack of water also causes changes in electrolytes present in your body, leading to low blood pressure. Whenever you feel your heart is beating faster than usual, have a glass of water and take a few minutes.
4 Reduced Urination and Change in Color
   Going to the restroom every few hours is actually a good thing. It means that your body is throwing away all the toxins and that you have a healthy and regular urinary track system. A healthy amount of water intake results in regular urination. Since toxins from the body are released through urination, not urinating at regular intervals can be problematic. However, keep an eye on the color of your urine, because if the color of
your urine is dark, it indicates a poorly hydrated body. Proper urine should be clear or light colored,

5. Fatigue And Without Energy
   Feeling fatigued and lethargic, can be due to dehydrated body. Lack of water affects blood pressure and causes inadequate oxygen supply throughout the body, including the brain. Lack of oxygen causes fatigue,
sleepiness and reduced energy. Dehydration causes the body to work too hard to ensure proper blood circulation and even breath, therefore the body is functioning more slowly and you will feel tired all day. Staying hydrated is one of the easiest ways to stay energized.

6. Frequent Headache And Lightheadedness
   Dehydration can cause insufficient oxygen flow and blood to the brain, which can result in a headache. A drop in the body's hydration level leads to a reduced amount of fluid surrounding your brain, which protects it from mild bumps and movement, which leads to headaches and migraines. Whenever you're suffering from a headache, reach for a glass of water instead of pills. If the headache is due to dehydration, it will go away soon.

7. Bad Breath and Dry Mouth
   Due to lack of water, your body produces less saliva, which contains antibacterial properties. Water functions as a lubricant and less water result in less saliva, which is very important against bad breath and bacteria in the mouth. Along with bad breath, dehydration can also cause dry mouth.

8. Constipation And Problems With The Digestive System
   Drinking water can help lubricate the digestive system and keep the
digestive tract flexible and clean. Water flushes out the toxins in the digestive system, thereby making it to function better. Lack of water in the body causes constipation, heartburn and poor bowel movements.

9. Food Cravings
   When dehydrated, the body sends mixed signals to your brain that you are hungry, when actually you are thirsty. Water can also help you kill the excessive desire for food and snacks. The next time you have hunger pangs or food cravings, drink a glass of water before grabbing a snack. When experiencing cravings for something sweet, reach for fruits like watermelon or berries that are sweet as well as high in water content.

10. Joint and Muscle Pain
   Water is a vital component of healthy joints and cartilage. When the body is well hydrated, the joints can handle sudden movements, such as running, jumping or falling without any pain. But, when the body lacks water, the bones start grinding against each other, causing pain in the joints. Also when fluids are lost through perspiration, muscles tends to contract leading to cramps.

Tips to Prevent Dehydration:
- Drink plenty of water and other fluids every day. The amount of water you need to drink usually depends on factors, such as the climate, how physically active you are, and your overall health.
- Carry your own water bottle.
-  Include water rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- Avoid drinks that can cause dehydration.
- If you are busy and often forget to drink water, set a reminder to drink a glass of water.

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