Thursday 25 October 2012

Five Vegetables That Burn Belly Fat and Help Fast Weight Loss!

An article by Dr.Ela Maris – Nutrition Biochemist in Nigeria: 5 Vegetables commonly found in Nigerian that Help Fast Weight Loss!

Are there some vegetables that help you burn stubborn belly fat and help lose weight FAST? Emphatically YES! Are these vegetables commonly found in Nigeria? Emphatically YES!

Who doesn’t wish to look smart by losing those extra kg. All it requires is to gradually change our daily food habits. Not at all difficult, isn’t it? As we all know that fiber helps weight loss and there are several vegetables which are high in fiber which you should now begin to eat every single day!

Our body needs nutrients and it normally gives us signal when hungry of those nutrients. Most of the time we fail to deliver what actually our body needs and fill it with some kind of snack or fat-storing foods. I am sure when it comes to vegetables we might have a list of them which we don’t like. Why don’t we just list whichever vegetable we know and choose to store and eat the ones we like!

No matter what, there has to be few of those vegetables which we like. We don’t need to eat all manner of vegetable (although that is superb for permanentfat loss), but you can develop a new liking for some of the vegetables which actually help fat loss. All you need to do is to include just one or two – even just one in your daily menu and it will help weight loss.

Here are 5 vegetables commonly found in Nigeria that burn belly fat and help help fast weight loss.

Spinach or Green
It is a great source of vitamin C, B6, E, magnesium and potassium. A vegetable which will keep your body healthy and energetic. Add it to your soup, curry on its own, salad or stuffed bread. It’s tasty and healthy. It helps lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate and gives a feeling of fullness.      
 Its tasty, high in dietary fibre & vitamin C. For higher and better result on weight loss eat cabbage with most of your meals – bread, stew, spaghetti, beans etc. Of course add cabbage to your salad.

I’m yet to come across someone who doesn’t like carrots. This vegetable doesn’t even need to be cooked before you enjoy its goodness. It is rich in antioxidant and excellent source of vitamin A and other minerals. It greatly helps weight loss by increasing your body metabolic rate.. Carrots help improve eyesight too. Can be eaten in salad, added and cooked with rice.                     

Cucumber is the best of all fat-burning vegetables. Add enough cucumber which is a pack of most vitamins, calcium, iron etc. It also keeps your skin fresh while you are on diet. There are so many ways to eat cucumber. You can eat it raw, in various salad recipes, you can juice it, puree it etc.

Garden egg
Garden egg vegetable are those all white or green hard vegetable that looks like tomatoes. It’s delicious, makes a great fat-burning snack, great night-time snack and its fat-burning too.  You can bake it, grill it or add it to your stews, soups or curry it. It is loaded with vitamin A and high in fibre which certainly helps weight loss.

With these five veggies added to your daily menu, you are guaranteed results on your fat loss journey. For other advanced tips for FAST Weight Loss, clickhere.

Best regards.

5 Best Ways To Lose Weight

When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques to help you lose weight.

The most fundamental strategy of successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. You shouldn't find it difficult to apply this in some aspect of your life. Adjust your diet by cutting down on high fat food, and take some simple exercise for twenty minutes, three times a week. Going for a brisk walk instead of driving everywhere will have the desired effect, as will gentle jogging or swimming.

Best Way 2
Gym membership is becoming increasingly popular, and, as long the exercise you do is well planned, it can be extremely beneficial. Provided you adhere to this basic rule make sure to add some resistance training exercise because not only will they help you lose weight faster than aerobics, but they can also help tone up your body. This will give you more strength and vitality, and should increase your confidence.

Best Way 3
Having a consultation with a professional nutritionist or dietician can pay off handsomely. If you go it alone, you will need to put in some serious research to make sure you are genuinely eating healthily, and many who try this find themselves discouraged by the lack of variety in their diet. It certainly doesn't have to be that way, as there are plenty of different healthymeals which help you lose weight. Getting the advice of a professional can make the task of losing weight seem so much more enjoyable!

Best Way 4
Find a friend to train with. If you and a friend are both regularly free at the same time of day, it can make sense to train together. Having someone to help you through the times when you don't seem to be getting anywhere can keep you in the game until the improvement suddenly appears. Having a social aspect to your exercise will help you look forward to it, and make you more likely to stick to it!

Best Way 5
Eat less food more often. Many medical practitioners now recommend eating more meals a day, with less food at each one. This is a more balanced way to take food into the body, spreading the load on the body over a far wider period of time. The system of eating three meals a day is designed far more to fit in with the working day than it is to fit in with the needs of the human body. When you eat less more often, the body absorbs more of the nutrients in the food, so your body craves fewer calories.

The best and mosteffective method for weight loss does depend on the individual, but follow these time tested principles and you will see results. Click the links below to discover some effective resources to help you.

Best regards.

4 Eating Tips for Women Who Want to Lose Belly Fat or Have Six Pack Abs

Nowadays, more and more women want to lose belly fat caused due to the after effects of pregnancy or drinking or food and many women now undergo rigorous training just to get six-pack abs.  This not only keeps helps them lose belly fat but also keeps them fit, sexy, great looking, and healthy. Although many women who are benefiting from this, there are still those who refuse to consider the idea because they think that having a six-pack abs and the exercises done to have them is a guy-thing only.

One of such limiting thoughts is that the exercises (which many times involve carrying weights) makes a woman’s muscles bulky and to have an overall masculine appearance. But the truth about that is – women despite exercising for six-pack abs—would not have a bulky physique since her body cannot produce enough amount testosterone that is needed to have huge muscles like those in men. Women who are muscular did not get those from training but from having excessive amounts of testosterone in their bodies.
According to nutritionists, proper nutrition should include proper sets of foods. For women who are planning to have a flat belly or develop six-pack abs, this should be a major factor to consider because it will make the training more successful.

Here are 4 eating tips to prepare women get flat belly or develop hat six-pack rips in no time:

1. Make sure that you eat at least six times everyday. For beginners in developing six-pack abs, this is the most basic rule because this will ensure that you have the energy to endure weight lifting. Eating meals once every 2 to 3 hours will ensure the stability of blood sugar. This will also ensure satisfaction of cravings, maximization of metabolism and energy, and constant need to feed the building muscles.

2. Enough amounts and significant types of protein should be consumed properly. Indeed, protein plays a big role in developing six-pack abs because it makes up the person’s tissues. To know how much protein you need to get that much-coveted six-pack abs, multiply your total bodyweight by 1.2. The result will be the amount of protein—in grams—is the ideal amount that should be consumed everyday.

3. Ensure that you consume the right types and amounts carbohydrates. In women who are training for six-pack abs, carbs are very important to supply the energy your body needs. But not all carbs are fat-burning, which is why the 101 Flat Belly and Fat Loss Nigerian Cooking recipes here is one of the cookbooks I recommend for Africans and Nigerians. Remember that since getting six-pack abs has something to do with losing fats, you must only consume the foods with low carbs such as brown rice, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes.

4. Always include veggies into your diet. Women who are looking forward to having six-pack abs should ensure that green leafy veggies like green leaves, pumpkin leaves (ugwu), spinach (green),  lettuce  etc have a place on their diet. These types of foods will ensure that cravings can be suppressed without getting hungry. While training, veggies can also aid metabolism which will make the absorption of protein easier and faster.
So that’s it! If you want to lose belly fat for women, then ensure you use these tips to reduce belly fat.

Do you need to lose weight? Signs that you may

Each day in Nigeria, thousands of Nigerians say to themselves “I need to lose weight.” Are you one of those individuals? While many of the individuals who tell themselves that they need to lose weight do need to lose weight, not all do. So, the question that many ask themselves is “do I really need to lose weight?” If that is a question that you have asked yourself before, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many signs that you may need to lose weight is if you are overweight or obese. Many individuals do not realize that there is a difference between being overweight and being obese. While different healthcare professionals have different definitions for obese, it is often said that those who are 10 kg to 20 kg overweight are obese. If you are obese, you shouldn’t only be worried about your appearance, but your health as well. Obesity has been linked to multiple health complications, including the early onset of death.

Another one of the many signs that you should lose weight is if you have been told that you need to do so. Whether your family doctor recommended losing weight or if someone that you know on a personal level has, it is advised that you at least take their suggestions into consideration. Unfortunately, many individuals are embarrassed or become upset when they are told that they need to lose weight. What you need to remember is that the individual mentioning your weight to you likely isn’t as concerned with your appearance as they are with your health.

Another sign that you may want to think about losing weight is if you are finding that your clothes no longer fit you. Of course, it is normal for some individuals to gain weight or to have their weight fluctuate, but you may want to think about joining a weight loss program or developing your own weight loss plan if you find that your clothes no longer fit or are difficult to get into. Unfortunately, many individuals do not just have a small weight gain. Small weight gain often leads to more, which could have a negative impact on your health. It is also important to mention the cost of new clothes, which you may not be able to afford.

If you find many simple tasks or activities, like walking up a flight of stairs, difficult, you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, becoming out of breath from simple activities may not necessarily just be a weight problem, but there is a good chance that it is. When you lose weight, even just a little bit of it, you will likely find it easier to do many of the activities that you love or even the tasks that you need to do, like take your kids to the park.

The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many signs that you may need to lose weight. Should you wish to lose weight, you are advised to proceed with caution. There are a number of weight loss products on the market, like diet pills or exercise equipment, which do not work. To save yourself money and to protect your health, you may want to consider consulting with your physician before starting any weight loss program, even one that you develop yourself.

I wish you success with your weight loss.
